Corepunk wipes its Alpha 4 a second time, says it’ll keep this build online through the end of October


Following a second full wipe of its fourth alpha to address a character bug, Corepunk’s Artificial Core said that it hopes to continually run the remainder of this test through the end of October while not promising that it wouldn’t wipe again.

The studio apologized for the August 16th wipe, saying, “We understand that this may negatively impact some players’ motivation to continue playing, and you’re right to feel that way. However, bugs that drastically diminish the value of progression for all other players are critical and must be addressed first and foremost. Additionally, this is crucial for our work and highly effective in tuning and fixing the game.”

This follows a first wipe that happened on August 9th. To compensate players for this inconvenience, the studio is giving all Alpha 4 testers with an exclusive horse mount.

One issue that the team is addressing in the alpha are item duplication bugs, a problem that should have been addressed with an August 23rd patch. The team said that it’s also working on mob balance, adding more crafting items, and expanding “the logic of the synthesis machine for all professions.”

Corepunk is aiming to release in early access on November 26th.

Source: Corepunk, 2
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