PlanetSide 2 highlights updates to upcoming directives as the devs fight cheaters


PlanetSide 2’s new developer Toadman isn’t only paying attention to gun sounds in its latest dev blog; it’s also going to address some arguably more important matters – namely, cheaters, directives, and retaining new players.

The lengthy preview post opens with the promise to attack what the studio characterizes as “rampant” cheating. Specifics on some of these future measures were obviously not shared, but one change planned in the game’s next update is that all new characters will be required to play through the tutorial. “We understand that this may frustrate current and returning players looking to start fresh but the goal here is to deter future troubled cheaters from ruining your fun,” the post explains.

This leads into the other major focus of the address: directives, which Toadman admits haven’t been touched in a long time. The overall plan is for directives to guide new players into the “open loops” of the shooter after the tutorial is completed that both shepherd them to its features and gives them rewards to chase.

As for those rewards, new rewards to existing long-term directives apparently can’t be added, but future long-term directives promise better goodies for completing them, especially at Tiers 3 and 4. Seasonal directives will also see new rewards on top. All of these updates to directives are planned to hit sometime next year, with a roadmap to come before then.

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