Earlier this week, Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends dropped a developer diary for October with several teasers for the content the player dev team is currently working on. According to the devs, they’ve been working on testing the long-awaited Jedi theme park part 2 (theme parks in SWG are basically old-school semi-instanced but semi-open-world quest hubs with dungeons).
“[QA testers are] hard at work doing ‘Balance Testing’ in it, running it how a player would, with and without buffs, with and without some of those game changing items we all love,” the devs write. “We currently have no set release date as we continue fine tuning it, but we hope to bring it to you as soon as it’s ready to go.”
The design team, on the other hand, is working on a range of other updates, with fresh content for Tatooine, new rewards, and another long-awaited theme park revival: the Marauder theme park. In fact, there’s kind of a massive infodump on this content, though it’s clearly much further off in the development pipeline than the fresh Jedi TP content. The Marauder TP was an Endor content hub that came out before the NGE but was neutered with the NGE (like so many things). And yes, it’s based on a storyline from the Ewoks: The Battle for Endor movie
“Our version of the Marauder Theme Park will be similar to the original quests, but also optimized and updated. Instead of it being one of those Pre-NGE quests that don’t appear in your quest log, the quests will now show up! Instead of just killing one NPC and returning back to the quest giver to continue you’ll be asked to do more, explore different locations as you search for these foes, look for objects dropped or lost across the forests of Endor, and of course kill many more NPCs then you would have otherwise. […] Along with this, our version is looking at expanding the scope of the Theme Park. While the story will be the same and the quests will be able to be done, I’m hard at work with a newly formed Community Focus Group (what I call ‘The Lore Team’) in crafting side stories and new quest ideas that I am then taking and turning into the actual in-game content. This is so you won’t just be doing the first quest for Scholar Szingo, but also going along and helping one of his assistants perhaps. You’ll be doing something uncommon to SWG as a whole, doing multiple quests at once! Our little group is also looking at creating new dailies for level 90 players to earn some credits or rewards. The side quests, and daily quest ideas are all in conceptual stages still as I work with them, but we’re hoping that these changes will ensure there’s more players returning to Endor for more than just the Death Watch Bunker.”
But of course, Jedi TP first.