Who says you can’t teach an old MMORPG dog new tricks? That’s definitely the case for the Warhammer Online rogue server Return of Reckoning, which has introduced some all-new content to the game in the form of a new dungeon and a new limited-time event.
First, the dungeon: Dragonback Pass is described by the operators of RoR as a Tier 1 encounter that’s meant to teach new arrivals how to best use their chosen class, the lessons of which will be useful for both PvE and PvP content. The dungeon is a completely unique addition to the MMO, built almost entirely from scratch by the volunteer devs with new voice acting, a more story-driven experience, and characters that guide players along as they progress.
The second major piece of the update is the all-new Saga event that tasks players with taking part in RvR combat, engaging in specific buffs for either going on a kill streak or getting back up after battle and filling out a created Book of Grudges item for another buff. There are also new titles, dyes, and items available to gather. The whole event will run from now until December 9th.
The patch has also applied the usual series of adjustments including changes to PvP campaign zone locks and keeps, the removal of a proximity requirement for several buff abilities, and a lengthy list of bug fixes.