Mecha PvPvE extraction shooter Synduality Echo of Ada opens headstart access to pre-order buyers


Last October we were introduced to Synduality: Echo of Ada, a PvPvE extraction shooter from Bandai Namco that sees players piloting mecha suits known as Cradlecoffins across a dangerous landscape to find resources and get out intact. The game is headed for a full launch on January 23rd (even though trailers say the 24th), but those who bought in at one of its higher-tier pre-order bundles can already hop into the game ahead of time.

The soft launch of the title came along with a pair of new trailers that showcase the game’s solo mission story and its opening cinematic, both of which set the scene for the game’s ruined city of Amasia and vaguely introduce a few of the game’s characters done up in at least a couple of different anime styles.

Paid head start came online yesterday for those who bought the deluxe or ultimate edtions of the game, while the title will be available for everyone a week later. For now, those aforementioned trailers await below.

sources: press release, official site, Steam
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