Beefing up character stats and abilities is the name of the game in MMOARPGs like Corepunk, but later this week a new layer is going to be added to that progression parfait when new talent upgrade features arrive later this week.
When the update goes live, upgraded and overclocked Tier 3 artifacts will grant one or two bonuses to random passive talents respectively. These kinds of talents can be upgraded to a maximum of level five in this way, meaning six overclocked T3 artifacts can improve three passives to max level, but benefits to passive talents start applying at levels two and three so players can spread out the total benefits across multiple passives.
Artificial Core calls this mechanic an important part of the game’s character progression that needs to be tested, which is why it’s arriving ahead of its originally scheduled launch of late February. The new system will also bring on new and returning upgrade kits to help players kick its tires and perhaps prepare for the arrival of Prison Island later. As for when this will arrive, that hasn’t been given any hard date yet (today? tomorrow? We don’t know), and no patch notes have been posted on Discord as we type this. Just know it’s coming.