Have you ever felt as if your real opponents in a dungeon were the other players, potentially rolling for the drops you wanted when you killed monsters? Well, Corepunk is planning for its new extraction dungeon “Prison Island” in which players can delve in for great rewards… but will have to fight off not just enemy NPCs but enemy players who will happily loot all those great rewards right off your body. If that sounds just plain awful to you, though, you’ll be happy to know that there’s also a PvE version being developed as well. Both versions will use a one-life system to keep players on their toes throughout.
If all of this sounds a bit too high-minded and further on down the road, you are broadly correct; in the shorter term, developers are making more items bind-on-equip and adding more treasure chest spawns to camps, hopefully encouraging more dynamic and rewarding gameplay. You can get the full rundown of the immediate and longer-term changes on the official site as the game continues to evolve, but it’s clear that everyone is meant to be gearing up for that Prison Island.