Riders of Icarus announces and then bizarrely cancels plans for EU and NA server merges

Sure, this is above the ground, but you get the general idea, right?

File this one as another page in the very odd story that is Riders of Icarus: Last month, Valofe announced plans to merge its remaining NA and EU servers, condensing what was left of the MMORPG’s population into two servers for each region. This smooshing was meant to start on February 6th for EU players and February 20th for NA players, but today the publisher elected to cancel those plans instead for rather murky reasons.

“After a thorough internal review, we have decided to maintain separate servers for both regions and ensure the best possible gameplay experience,” the announcement reads. “Our priority remains to provide a stable and enjoyable gaming environment for all players, and we will continue to monitor server performance and player activity to make informed decisions moving forward.”

Readers might remember that Icarus’ stewards at Valofe have been making some odd and awful decisions ever since it took over from Nexon in 2019, including a revocation of its anti-RMT policy, a pay-to-earn shift that cratered in token value, and the shuttering of SEA servers without any character transfer. So, as we said before, add this to the pile.

source: official site (1, 2)
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