Solarpunk MMO Loftia shows off work on Hanging Gardens district, an NPC, player clothes, fishing, and more


The cozy solar-powered MMO Loftia is back from the winter break and “in full-on dev mode” as it brings forth updates on several different development tracks.

Qloud Games kicked off its progress report with word of its team building out the game’s second district, the Hanging Gardens. As the name might suggest, this floating island is rich in natural features like caves, rivers, forests, and yes, gardens, all of which are being designed with a few key gameplay elements in mind like farming, fishing, and platforming. More specifically, the district will let players grow and harvest bamboo, farm with friends in community gardens, and explore a dark and mysterious forest with hidden pathways.

Next up is a name for the NPC who handles the air tram system: Cliff. Described as “super reliable and a little strict, but genuinely passionate about protecting others from harm,” Cliff has moved from concept art into 3-D modeling and rigging.

The post’s next major piece is about more player character clothing, with the devs providing concept art pieces of outfits inspired by the Hanging Gardens like rugged farmer clothes, druidic outfits, and comfy-looking pajamas.

Other pieces of note in the dev blog include an initial look at the minigame that will power fishing, a brief rundown of the progression system that grants latent benefits when activities are performed, and a thank-you to the 70K fans who wishlisted Loftia on Steam. Qloud also promises that 2025 is going to bring multiple milestones and more alpha testing, though details and dates were not provided.

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