Earlier this month, we covered the news that indie studio Might and Delight was working on a small patch for tiny MMO Book of Travels, which as we’ve chronicled has fallen pretty fall off its original Kickstarter and early access plans after the team shrunk and the game’s cadence slowed to a crawl. This week, the devs have reiterated that the patch is coming – with caveats about the content pace.
“We want you to know that we are patching and updating the current game build ongoing. Future updates will include a focus on community requests and a balancing pass for the inventory. However, we want to let you all know that content updates will be rare and far in-between.”
That said, M&D also reassures fans that it will keep the servers up regardless, which is what it’s done for its other titles even when the playerbase has ensmallened.
“Due to community questions from the last update, we really want to make it clear that we plan to keep the servers up and running for Book of Travels and we will keep updating the game,” the team writes. “Since we will focus our work on requests from the community in the future, we’d be very happy if you join us on Discord and give your feedback.”
Worth noting is that M&D is giving out copies of one of its early games, Paws, to Book of Travels Kickstarter donors. Paws currently runs $20 on Steam.