WRUP: Words in order per paragraph edition

uhhh... that's golf!

Blast hard bomb over sinner dive cut! High over kick steel ram wind, go wind fire scatter after snap cloud counter. Sure, cross roll road sun jet knock break, moon dark hell death street, “sun side” hot razor cliff gut?

Off head burst! Lord Twin “Bomb Throat” Brow run off jaw horn breaker, bots blade flight shot burner trap! Burst punch. Shot hairs out breaker storm, storm out down racer, wind bat cobra wise! Streaker ways rod beast jumper cruncher.

You can check on all of that. No fooling. What are you playing redefined, we’re done here. None of this would have happened if some of you had acted appropriately shocked about gazelle blood, but you didn’t, now we’re here.

Bonus question: Name a Transformer. No cheating.

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): It’s gonna be a Pokemon Go event weekend, but I’m hoping to get more than a couple of hours of Monster Hunter Wilds in.

Pretty sure my brother’s favorite was Starscream. I won’t even bother mentioning the three more well known ones I’m pretty sure most people will be familiar with.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna.bsky.social, blog): I’ll be in Lord of the Rings Online, of course, assuming SSG can get all the stupid bugs and crashes and lags worked out. I’m plugging away at my Champion still and tinkering with the spring event. Goats and elk!

I literally can name Transformers only because Eliot talks about them – otherwise I’d be clueless. I specifically remember Bumblebee because of a dumb MMO collab and because that seemed like a dumb name for a robot. I said what I said.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes.bsky.social, blog): It’s likely going to be more Monster Hunter Wilds for me as well as some more Elite: Dangerous, but beyond that I’m considering another climb through the backlog to see what games I haven’t played in a while or forgot that I purchased. You all know the drill, right?

Bonus: Since this is an Eliot question I sort of presume I have to draw from a deeply obscure well, but I don’t really have that without cheating so I’m going to just say Soundwave and call it a day. Sorry, Eliot.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): A bit of last-minute prep in Final Fantasy XIV as I also work on learning Flare and the new weapons in Warframe from the most recent patch. It’s patch time, kids. It’s patch time.

Oh, this is real easy, uh… wait, I… uh… Barf Bag! Wait. No! I don’t do well under pressure!

Tyler Edwards (blog): More World of Warcraft and The First Descendant. Mostly just grinding for skins in both games right now. I also got a code for some Warcraft Rumble loot from the Warcraft 30th anniversary event, so I might reinstall that and poke around now that it has a PC client. I remember it being surprisingly fun by mobile game standards (admittedly not the highest bar).

Bonus question: Rattrap is the correct answer.

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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