Are you chasing those bright and pretty artifact weapon skins in World of Warcraft? Even if you have assembled the whole set and can lord it over the neighborhood, your collection isn’t quite complete.
In Patch 7.2, World of Warcraft is introducing a special “challenge appearance” for artifacts that should prove to be one of the most difficult skins to attain. The requirements are pretty steep, as you have to have maxed out your current artifact, be level 110, complete the Patch 7.2 artifact trait quest, build up the mage’s tower at your order base, and then succeed at a solo challenge.
This challenge encounter comes in seven different varieties, based on your class build, and will probably kick your butt if you have anything less than the “best gear” and don’t know how to play your class well. To complicate matters, while your first attempt at the challenge is free, subsequent tries will cost a chunk of nethershards. Good luck!