Beep… beep… beep. That’s the sound of a gargantuan Guild Wars 2 info truck that’s preparing to unload its sizable cargo into your cortex. Ready?
We’ll start with a series of Heart of Thorns guild hall dev blogs on the official site. It begins with a tour through the steps necessary to build a guild hall. Then comes the task of creating decorations and guild items to populate the vast space of these instances. Beyond that, players will be kept busy with a bevy of guild hall missions. All of the work on the guild halls has prompted the team to reevaluate guild features and upgrades as well.
There’s also a pair of dev blogs focusing on PvP features of the expansion amd covering PvP guild teams and guild objective claiming in world vs. world action. ArenaNet is warning players to beware of third-party sales of Heart of Thorns, as these are likely fraudulent.
Getting away from the expansion for a second, the studio announced that this Tuesday’s patch will contain a system that allows players to change the stats on ascended-grade gear.
With all that said, we’ll leave you with a recent Twitch livestream that shows off the upcoming guild hall system.