Elder Scrolls Online: You could dive into Wrathstone’s dungeons, or you could just sleep on a bridge


ZeniMax has a new video up on social media today zeroing in on the dungeon content coming in Elder Scrolls Online’s Wrathstone DLC later this month. In fact, there are two dungeons: Frostvault and Depths of Malatar. The studio’s previewed Depths of Malatar before; it’s the one based on an Oblivion dungeon. But both dungeons are tied together as players quest for two halves of the Wrathstone Tablet.

“In Frostvault, half of the tablet has been sealed away by the Dwemer in a vault deep within the mountains of Eastmarch,” ZeniMax says. It’s loaded with goblins and traps to get in your way. Of course, once you do best both of these dungeons, the story isn’t over, as you’ll be heading into the Halls of Colossus, “and you witness the biggest f*** up of his career.”

In other ESO news, PC Gamer has a piece up on a player who named his Argonian Sleeps-on-Bridges and… sleeps on bridges. Apparently, the character started out as bit of a joke and experiment, but the player behind Sleeps eventually became a “fixture” in Alinor, spawning an entire guild of other players lazing around on the bridge; in fact, PC Gamer calls it a cult. The good kind, though – the kind that’s “likely inspiring the newest crop of MMO players to socialize and co-create in online spaces with their carefree community.” Hear, hear.

Source: Twitter, PC Gamer
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