It’s been a wild 24 hours for Blade & Soul’s fanbase: Shortly after news broke that NCsoft was sunsetting the game’s prototype Frontier World UE4 upgrade server in Korea – and everyone assumed that meant the upgrade was off – NCsoft confirmed that the upgrade was in fact coming to the live servers anyway. There’s even more news as of this morning: The company has dropped a bunch of new information and screenshots, along with the promise that it’s coming this very summer – even for western players.
“This summer, the MMORPG Blade & Soul will be upgraded to Unreal Engine 4 visuals. The change in the game engine will bring improved performance to Blade & Soul, reducing lag and loading times, and adding depth and clarity to in-game graphics. The Unreal Engine 4 update will apply to the live service of the game later this summer, and players will keep their progression once the update goes live.”
The press release includes a bit of a tease for upcoming content as well, including “a new character class, third specializations for existing classes, new dungeons, and new systems.”