The patch notes for Update 9.1 are up in anticipation of the test realm opening its doors, and you can hear the collective sigh of World of Warcraft’s community: “Finally.”
The long-overdue post-expansion content release is called Chains of Domination and include a whole lot of class changes, additional covenant campaign chapters, new soulbind tiers, and a new zone in the Maw called Korthia. Of course, dataminers are already hard at work extracting all of the goodies, including the new mounts, separate shoulder transmogs, additional legendary powers, and the return of Garrosh Hellscream.
Also coming with this initial round of testing is the game’s newest raid, Sanctum of Domination. Blizzard is planning to test this on Friday the 16th for a short period of time, so if you want to get a first look, you’re going to need to be punctual.