As of 8:00 a.m. EDT today, the second closed beta test round for Swords of Legends Online kicked off, and there has been a wide swath of changes applied to this round. A number of new features are available for testing, while existing features have seen several tweaks.
One of the bigger additions is the introduction of faction PvP, with this beta build allowing players to side up with one of two different factions and then brawl it out in the new Valley of the Echoing Blades, where players can earn PvP rewards and faction points for taking on daily quests or region-specific activities.
Other changes in CBT 2 include the temporary removal of battlefields from the game, the addition of English voice acting, some adjustments to the leveling curve, and buffs to enemies in hard mode dungeons. On the subject of dungeons, the game plans to introduce raids to the game weeks after its launch this summer.
The devs held a livestream discussing CBT 2 yesterday, offering a look at these various changes. One Redditor provided a bullet list of adjustments that point out other updates, including note that faction PvP can happen outside of the Valley of Echoing Blades if players are properly flagged, word that players can switch factions every seven days, and confirmation of the game’s first battle pass arriving a couple of weeks after launch.
As for testing itself, that runs between now and Tuesday, June 8th, and is available either for those who have pre-ordered the game, those who previously received a beta access code, or for anyone who signs up at the website or via Steam.