Now that the new tank character Junker Queen is confirmed as part of the Overwatch 2 roster, players are likely going to be curious about how she works and just what her abilities are. In that case, there’s a new dev blog to look over that does precisely that.
The post provides a closer look at Junker Queen’s tanking style, which primarily revolves around the passive healing she receives from hitting foes with DoT wounds. Naturally, applying wounds is a large part of her ability set, with melee weapons and an ultimate ability that focus on applying DoTs. She also wields a pump action shotgun for good measure, can throw a knife and recall it to tug enemies forward, and can issue a shout that buffs the health of herself and nearby allies.
Overwatch 2 isn’t expected until October 4th (at least the PvP portion), but those who want a taste of what sauce the Junker Queen’s stirring now have a detailed blog and a video.