Amazon’s New World made two big announcements last week: First, that it’s releasing Brimstone Sands on November 18th, and second, that it’s releasing fresh start servers on November 2nd. Both of these are welcome additions, but grousing over the dates quickly mounted, as many players either wanted to start over to push toward the new content or just wanted the hype for both to crescendo simultaneously, or they think some folks will sit out the Brimstone launch altogether in favor of fresh start.
“Yay on the fresh start servers. Needed and will be used,” MOP’s Justin said, comments echoed in the massive New World forum thread. “Boo on the timing. Nobody wants to wait that long after the patch.” Then again, Brimstone Sands isn’t a newbie zone anyway, and as some gamers pointed out, New World’s track record with buggy patches means it’s probably better off if Amazon has those extra weeks to polish.
What do you think – was this a mistake on Amazon’s part? Are you going back to New World for Brimstone Sands or fresh start – or not at all?