Regular readers of Destiny 2’s weekly newsletter know that one of the features is a highlight of player-created work, whether it’s videos or fan art, and so it was with a highlight from two weeks ago, which showcased a piece of art titled Guardian Rendition. As it turns out, however, that artwork was an AI-generated image.
The discovery was unveiled by the Twitter account of the fan-run database DestinyTracker, which also attached a reply from the submitter, a person by the name of Hebb, who explained that he felt “the image was really neat” and so posted it on the creations page. Hebb says that he would take the picture down, but at the time of this writing, it’s still uploaded and available for viewing.
The following week’s Destiny 2 newsletter addressed the submission, which explained the true intention of fanart highlights and asked players for patience as Bungie will try to better vet the source of future works. “We want to keep this celebration of our community for those that work hard to bring their creative selves to the forefront,” reads the post. “We ask for grace if we mistakenly feature a submission generated by A.I., and a respectful heads up should it ever happen again in the future. Appreciate the assist!”