With Gloria Victis making its full launch this past February, the next logical step for the sandbox is to introduce a werewolf. Yes, this is totally normal progress. Don’t question it. Fight the wolf man.
This new boss fight will let guilds challenge the werewolf in order to get their hands on valuable alchemy components, but it’s not just a simple matter of walking up to your local lycanthrope and punching him in the muzzle. Guilds first have to get a special item, bring it to an altar, and then they have three chances to fight the beast within the span of an hour, while the fight itself promises a stern challenge for groups to face.
As for the siege mode in the Valley of Death event, that’s pretty much what it reads on the tin: Siege mode will work similarly to sieges in the open world as three factions of up to 300 players fight it out, though this mode promises plenty of siege equipment, ladders, and building destruction as teams try to capture courtyards and take down castle walls to claim the final flag.
Other features in the new patch include a revamped mount aging system, new lore collections, a host of bug fixes, and some quality-of-life improvements. In addition, server merges for new beginning and legacy servers have been completed. Ideally, this means that coming together to beat on a werewolf will be easier.