Even a quarter-century into the MMORPG revolution, we still haven’t seen an interstellar MMO that really fits what I’m seeking in a space sim. EVE Online is too cold and PvPy, Star Citizen is this giant unrealized mess, Star Trek Online is flashy fun on rails, Elite Dangerous is too obtuse and empty, No Man’s Sky never clicked with me, and on it goes. Maybe I’m too picky, and that’s a fair observation, but nothing’s come along that hits that Firefly/Freelancer sweet spot for me.
What does your ideal space sim MMO look like? Would it be full of hard scifi (The Expanse Online) or more arcade joy (Wing Commander Universe)? Would it be full of colorful locations like the Space Quest series or populated with bizarre alien races? Would it be pure PvE, PvP, a mix, or something else entirely?