WoW Classic returns to Blackwing Lair and Zul’Gurub for Season of Discovery Phase 5


The endgame of the endgame is almost here for World of Warcraft Classic’s Season of Discovery servers, as Phase 5 heads our way next Thursday, September 26th.

As Blizzard looks to put a capstone of this “Classic Plus” variant of the game, players will be welcome to take all of their crazy funky runes into Blackwing Lair and Zul’Gurub, now repurposed as raid dungeons. Blackwing Lair will be a 20 to 40-player raid with “a swappable difficulty system,” while Zul-Gurub gets promoted to a 10 to 20-player experience.

Through these, players can earn Tier 2 sets (with new appearances), find new Phase 5 secrets, and have an easier time collecting the rest of their class runes. Blizzard teased other arriving content such as the Crystal Veil raid and a new boss in Demon Fall Canyon.

Source: WoW Classic
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