Four years ago, Blizzard gave the world Warcraft III: Reforged. It was… not good: Our own Eliot referred to it in his first impressions piece as “someone’s monkey’s paw wish,” players raised complaints over missing features and continually broken matchmaking, and Blizzard quietly issued immediate refunds – to say nothing of the reported internal sabotage from Blizzard leadership.
But hey, hope springs eternal, and there are clearly still some fans who think Blizzard might do the RTS’ re-release justice. That was illustrated by reaction to a brief – and temporary – version update of the game on an internal PTR that had a version 2.0 on offer a couple of weeks ago; after 16 hours, the build was rolled back to version 1.36.
This kicked off no shortage of speculation among fans, with plenty of presumptions on YouTube, Reddit, and the official forums, most of which actively cross their fingers for some sort of soft reboot or major update. With Blizzard set to broadcast a not-Blizzcon presentation next month, there might be something waiting in the wings.