Chris Neal

Wolfy is totally a pink wolf and not someone who just adores his avatar so much that he's lost touch with reality. He's been playing games since the days of Atari 2600 and when PCs had to be booted up in a specific sequence. He can be found in a variety of different MMOs and multiplayer games, including Final Fantasy XIV, Dauntless, Black Desert, and many others.

Blizzard decides to skip Gamescom 2019 as part of cost-cutting efforts

The con circuit has always been a sort of expected course for games companies to run, like the Tour de France except with less...

Choose My Adventure: The simple joys of RuneScape and duo gameplay

I've often wondered to myself why there seem to be so many in-development MMORPGs that stubbornly and desperately cling to the idea of the...

SWTOR’s James Ohlen is heading up a new Wizards of the Coast game studio working on a new IP

I guess James Ohlen isn't totally out of game dev quite yet. After announcing his retirement in July of 2018 and then going on...

Star Trek Online: Age of Discovery unveils a May 14 PC release date

The steady stream of details for Star Trek Online's latest content update has reached its logical conclusion: a release date. PC players can fly...
Hey nonny nonny.

Closed beta for Bless Unleashed on Xbox One begins this weekend

There's been no shortage of video footage touting the game's arrival as well as impressions from the floor of games conventions, but now is...

Sea of Thieves will begin telling some Tall Tales – Shores of Gold on April 30

Things appear to be getting more narrative focused in the Sea of Thieves world. Tuesday, April 30th, will see the launch of Tall Tales...

Elite Dangerous posts its April update patch notes and offers to fund a tabletop CCG

It's a tale of two Elite: Dangerous stories this week: On the one hand, the game has kicked out its new April update, and...

Choose My Adventure: Finding the perfect group activity in RuneScape

Early on in this month's Choose My Adventure, a reader in the comments mentioned that RuneScape is the perfect game to have a CMA,...

A new medical research paper attempts to set health guidelines for collegiate esports players

One of the refrains bleated by those who dislike esports is that competitors are not "real" athletes. This appears to be a similar idea...

Fractured’s second Alpha 1 test brings more housing, a new biome, and spiders this June

By all accounts, the first Alpha 1 test for Fractured was a solid success, barring minor annoyances and login issues. So now it's full...

Atlas shuts down the Empire server in favor of an NA PvE server and announces Easter plans

Hot on the heels of update 1.5 to Atlas comes this week's Captains Log dev blog, which provides word of the Empire PvP server's...

Elite Dangerous announces plans for monthly in-game events and changes to the new user experience

Personally speaking, my own delve in to Elite: Dangerous for Choose My Adventure showed a game that definitely has more going on just beneath...

Crowfall outlines revisions to its death system ahead of update 5.90

Dying is inevitable. Not just in the greater universal sense, but specifically in Crowfall, a game that features PvP battles where factions of players...

Fortnite and PUBG are banned by the Iraq parliament

Yet another country has decided to ban online games over fears of addiction and negative influence on youth. The Iraqi parliament voted this past...

Plan trade routes and share ship fittings with the EVE Online Workbench

Whether you're a space truckin' sort, a player that likes to hop in to Abyssal Deadspace, or one of those Capsuleers looking to start...

Overwatch teases Havana map, breaks down Storm Rising event

Earlier this week, Overwatch cracked open the vault and let players dive in to the Storm Rising mission. In typical form, game director Jeff...

Bless Unleashed previews the Crusader in its latest class video

Ah, the classic sword-and-board character class. Staple of the RPG genre. How does one make a class that wields an oversized steak knife and...

MapleStory celebrates 14 years with Pink Bean character creation and past seasonal updates

Are you familiar with Pink Bean? It's a boss character as well as a playable Monster Job, apparently, and to mark 14 years of...

Warframe adjusts Wolf of Saturn Six spawns, releases new and returning Easter items

In my opinion, you can never truly be taken seriously as a robotic magic space ninja without a proper bunny ear hat. For those...

Dauntless outlines progression, hunt, and reward changes coming in the Path of the Slayer update

Dauntless is preparing another big shift to its major systems in just under a week. The Path of the Slayer update is imminent, bringing...