
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Bring the light

Wisdom of Nym: The first preview of Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.4

Here we go, here we go, here we go again. The hype cycle for patch 5.3 felt like it lasted too long, probably because...

Black Desert confirms that it will be compatible with the PlayStation 5

Let's face it, no one likes having to deal with the fact that the communities for every version of Black Desert are locked to...

Chris Roberts talks up Star Citizen and Squadron 42’s future, likening development to the Apollo project

As part of the ongoing eight year birthday of Star Citizen's launch (of alpha development), Chris Roberts tapped out a lengthy letter to the...
Try a little.

Trove and RIFT celebrate Gamigo’s 20th anniversary, ArcheAge seeks community ambassador volunteers

The festivities to mark Gamigo's 20th anniversary are continuing to roll on in Trove and RIFT, with each game theming the next phase of...

Marvel’s Avengers has more content incoming to satisfy players according to Crystal Dynamics’ Scot Amos

It's only been out for a month, but Marvel's Avengers players are kind of on the bored side. This is probably not a huge surprise,...

One Shots: Spit take

If my experience with that giant camel at Aladdin's Flying Carpets at Disney World is any indication, all dromedaries are jerks that want to...
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.

The Daily Grind: Has an MMO’s story ever turned you off from playing the game?

It was a pretty bold move when Guild Wars 2 decided to indicate that one of the game's playable races had actually been a gigantic...

Star Citizen’s AMA confirms Squadron 42 has ‘a ways to go’ before beta, will be ‘done when it is done’

The question that's been on the lips of the Star Citizen community for the past several months has been in relation to Squadron 42's...
mom please never call me again

WRUP: Some new wrestlers, some better wrestlers

John Cee-Clamp-A: He's exactly like John Cena, but he has lobster arms instead of people arms. Signature hold is the "Clamp You With The...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO class makes you feel overpowered?

Obviously, we here at MOP love anything overpowered -- including frappes, meme wars, and MMORPG classes. Sometimes it doesn't even take numerically superior stats...

Amazon just killed off another online game – this time it’s Crucible

Like Breakaway before it, Amazon's Crucible is over before it began. Before it began again. It really depends where you start counting. Yes, Amazon...

Betawatch: Star Citizen pushes a patch public and promises progress on PSquadron 42

Did you know you can put the letter "P" in front of almost any word if you want to? It's clever. Modern spelling. Anyhow, PStar...

Standing Stone, Daybreak, KingsIsle, and more MMO companies will fundraise for Extra Life 2020

The season of Extra Life is almost upon us, meaning all your favorite MMO studios are going to be dispatching their developers to play...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends keeps teasing Bespin and we want it

Star Wars Galaxies Legends, the Star Wars Galaxies rogue server that's dominated the game's headlines for the last few years, has been teasing Bespin...
henlo lizert

Final Fantasy XIV has cancelled its European fan festival for February 2021

This is probably not a surprise given what happened before, but Final Fantasy XIV fans will not be gathering in Europe for a convention. The European...

Star Citizen marks its eighth birthday with alpha 3.11’s release, free goodies, and Halloween events

This coming Saturday, October 10th, will mark the eighth anniversary of Star Citizen's reveal to the public, which in CIG terms is the game's...
It's on my list of 'things you did wrong,' yeah.

World of Warcraft director Ion Hazzikostas promises to reverse the Shadowlands ability limitation

It was just yesterday that people found out World of Warcraft: Shadowlands had made a change to Covenant abilities by limiting them to the eponymous...
I circle the waterfront, I'm watching the sea.

WoW Factor: The problem with World of Warcraft’s storytelling

Back a long while ago, when I reviewed the prequel novel for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, I noted that my general policy has been to...
We were born to run.

Final Fantasy XIV previews its next major patch, Futures Rewritten, in its newest live letter

The next patch for Final Fantasy XIV isn't coming out until December, but the latest live letter from producer and director Naoki Yoshida has already...
Here we go with this nonsense again.

TitanReach offers a second patch for its demo version as its Kickstart enters the final week

The Titan Reach Kickstarter continues to move forward, with the game's team releasing the second major patch to its demo client. This new version adds...