
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


Gamigo is reversing last week’s ArcheAge unicorn mount stealth-normalization

Last week, we covered the mess over ArcheAge's unicorn mounts, which had been patched and speed-normalized without notice, leaving players angry over what they...
Stormy weather.

World of Warcraft patches in its new raid and its new season of items for Tides of Vengeance

It's time to head into the Battle of Dazar'alor in World of Warcraft, so long as you've got a regular group to head into a...

Choose My Adventure: Fighting for friends in Elite Dangerous

Combat in Elite Dangerous is hard, but finding friends was just a bit harder. At least, it was in the way that I had...
Caw! Polly is no longer the apex predator!

Atlas hackers strike again with the return of the dreaded air whale

It's raining whales! What the heck, it's now raining whales?! Hoist sails! That's the ancient sea shanty players of Atlas were learning to sing when...

Astellia confirms it’ll be buy-to-play in the west, won’t be a ‘smash-and-grab’

At PAX South this weekend, Astellia reps did indeed sit for a panel on the game as promised - a panel hosted, apparently "at...

Ashes of Creation yoinks another ex-Daybreaker, this one a community manager

Ashes of Creation's Intrepid Studios has been grabbing up Daybreak devs left and right, and now it's hired a new one: Sarah "Lt. Toast"...
Serveers (artist interpretation)

Pagan Online’s weekend test cancelled due to server overload

The good news about the Pagan Online stress testing that was meant to occur over the past weekend is that it did exactly what...
When you've got tons of promo work to go back through.

MapleStory 2 is retiring Toad’s Toolkit on January 31

The latest producer's letter from MapleStory 2 describes Toad's Toolkit as an experiment, an attempt by the designers to address a clear issue with...
Never seen a bluer sky.

Wisdom of Nym: A measured evaluation of Final Fantasy XIV’s Blue Mage

It's fair to say that a lot was riding on the first limited job for Final Fantasy XIV. It's not just that the job itself...

Ragnarok Online 2 stumbles into maintenance mode as Gravity officially ends development

It looks like it's lights out for Ragnarok Online 2, Gravity Interactive's core sequel to the long-running Ragnarok Online (yes, there are several other...
In we go.

Global Chat: The big question mark of Anthem

What's the biggest gaming unknown for you going into 2019? For MMO blogger Cary at Virtual Bastion, it's whether or not BioWare is going to...

Dragon Saga is a sidescrolling MMO brawler you probably didn’t know existed

Hey, are you itching for a new game to play in the "sidescrolling MMORPG beat-em-up" subgenre? It seems weird that this is a whole...

One Shots: Dream home

Housing wish fulfillment (or lack thereof) was the main theme running through last week's community postings here at One Shots. Where would we like...
happy birthday to me

The Daily Grind: Do you wish more MMOs celebrated character birthdays?

It always struck me as a cute trick that the original Guild Wars gave your characters birthday presents. Sometimes they were even valuable birthday presents, seeing...

The multiplayer Skyrim Together mod is about to hit closed beta

If you've been around the Elder Scrolls modding community long enough, you know that fan efforts to bring multiplayer elements to the franchise's single-player...
lol so randum

WRUP: Reasons why you have angered the minotaurs edition

You have angered the minotaur. That was dumb. If you already know why you have angered this minotaur (and, by extension, the remainder of...

The Daily Grind: Is player competition in MMOs healthy or harmful?

Youngsters these days probably won't ever experience the real struggle of logging into an MMORPG and endlessly fretting that other players will get to...

Betawatch: Atlas addresses hacks and gets hacked

Screw you, hackers in Atlas! You don't get to ruin this game for people, according to the developers! They're working to fight you, and......
Well, someone's having fun!

MapleStory 2 posts three-month feedback plan for gemstone, pet, and Meso improvements

January always seems to be a time of regrouping for MMO communities and studios, and Nexon is joining the trend with MapleStory 2. Producer...
Knives out.

Diablo III patches in Season 16 while investors see a bright potential future for Diablo Immortal

The latest patch for Diablo III is currently available, and it adds the game's sixteenth season to the game. Of course, that's not all...