
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

One Shots: Hugs not drugs

This week's edition of One Shots is brought to you by the National Hugs and Fistbumps Council, which recommends that everyone enjoy at least...
We represent the short-term planning guild!

The Daily Grind: What are you proud of accomplishing in an MMO?

Sometimes I wonder if my list of accomplishments in the games that I've played is worth anything. I certainly did not have multiple 75s...

Pokemon Go’s Yokohama event was a huge improvement over the lawsuit-provoking trainwreck in Chicago

Just a month ago now, Pokemon Go's Chicago festival was completely wrecked by connection issues that rendered the game an unplayable trainwreck for thousands...
kyle has a cool yard

WRUP: Here are all of the neighborhood kids’ houses rated edition

So, like, Kyle's house has the really big TV and the Xbox, but Kyle's older brother plays on it a lot and Kyle mostly...

The Daily Grind: What’s a rite of passage in your MMO?

Lately I've been playing a new Hobbit Hunter in Lord of the Rings Online, which has the added benefit of bringing me back to...
More soon.

Betawatch: Camelot Unchained is rapidly approaching beta (August 18, 2017)

The wait for the Camelot Unchained beta has been long and arduous in the way that only "just sit around and wait" can possibly...

SoulWorker is readying for beta in North America at the end of 2017

When you see the title SoulWorker, does your brain immediately re-translate it to "Social Worker" and picture an MMO wherein you spend your time...

Chaos Theory: What we want out of the Secret World Legends TV show

Wow. So I had no intention of crafting another Chaos Theory this week. I had plans. Other plans. But then the Secret World Legends...
How does this need to be said.

Worlds Adrift introducing anti-cheat measures sooner than anticipated

It's best to read the latest letter from the Worlds Adrift development team with a slightly exasperated tone of voice. After all, the developers...
Where now?

Guild Wars 2’s second Path of Fire preview weekend is about to begin

Update: It's live! Didn't get a chance to jump into Guild Wars 2 during last weekend's Path of Fire preview weekend? You're getting another chance...
Encore, encore.

Final Fantasy XIV plans a 14-hour broadcast for its anniversary

Another year of Final Fantasy XIV is coming to a close as the game celebrates another anniversary on August 27th. But there's still plenty...

Conan Exiles devs address Xbox One crashes, says crossplay with PC might be in the works

With the release of Conan Exiles on Xbox One's game preview program, there are plenty of questions from this new audience about the rollout...

Massively Overthinking: Alone together vs. forced grouping in MMORPGs

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that everyone has at some point seen the xkcd called Isolation, but if not, there...
There are places I remember.

Revelation Online outlines the lore-hunting Scene Chronicle feature

Are you fascinated by the lore of the various locations in Revelation Online? In the event that you don't care about that at all,...
Cheers, loves, the cavalry's queer.

Overwatch promises that console reporting is (still) on its way

Remember how Blizzard said that a bad behavior reporting function was on its way to Overwatch's console edition? While the studio promised this week...

World of Tanks introduces PvE War Stories, amps up metal soundtrack

Maybe it shouldn't come as a huge shocker that the studio behind World of Tanks is into (pause for punny effect) heavy metal. Wargaming...
It was just how things were done then.

Ultima Online begins epic 20th anniversary event, warns of harassment threat

Is there any shame in throwing a birthday party for yourself? Not if you invite everyone and make it hecka fun, we say! Ultima...

Watch 13 minutes of Wild West Online exploration and treasure hunting footage

Still skeptical about Wild West Online's proposed PvP system? A brand-new video today may or may not help. PC Gamer spends 13 minutes narrating a...
So... this is a thing.

Choose My Adventure: Finding my way in Shroud of the Avatar

Heading into Shroud of the Avatar for the first time was a bit of a strange experience for me, right from the start. Usually,...

Earn a new mount in TERA by leveling a new character in Kritika Online

There are, presumably, more people enjoying TERA right now than enjoying Kritika Online. That's sort of to be expected; the former is an established...