
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Shards Online

The Daily Grind: Which indie MMO are you looking forward to the most?

When it comes to indie MMOs, there's no shortage of them in development. Shards Online is topping my most anticipated list at the moment,...

Daybreak releases EverQuest progression server details

Daybreak has announced the results of its EverQuest progression server polling. The shard's name will be Ragefire, and the initial unlocked expansion vote was...
GTA Online

Leaderboard: How often do you see your guild mates in meatspace?

I'm hosting some online friends at my meatspace house this month, and last March I flew out to stay with some other friends I'd been...

Plan out your Guild Wars 2 specializations with this tool

One of the big changes coming with Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is the revamp of the trait system into the new specializations....

Global Chat: What happens to original MMOs when they get sequels?

Telwyn at GamingSF asks a question that I've contemplated from time to time: When an MMO gets a sequel, what happens to the original...
Make the things do the stuff.

EVE Online previews 12th anniversary presents for players

Did you know that tomorrow is EVE Online's 12th anniversary? It's pretty old! And as is the tradition these days, the developers are celebrating...
This game really provides no shortage of illustrations we need for this.

Hearthstone hits 30 million players

All right, bear with us here. We're not great at math at Massively Overpowered. But as it stands, Hearthstone has apparently hit 30 million...
It's not in imminent danger!

There’s an ARG going on in Elite: Dangerous right now

Elite: Dangerous players are in the midst of an ARG based around in-game artifacts that were tracked down by a coordinated community effort. Producer...

Watch One Piece Online get torn apart by an angry player

Not every online game can be a winner, but even losers have their purpose as comedy fodder for the tongue-in-cheek player. YouTube comedian TheHiveLeader took...

ArenaNet strips, kills, deletes, and bans Guild Wars 2 cheater

Today's lesson is that you shouldn't cheat in online games. Alas, a Guild Wars 2 character had to die to provide this valuable information...

The Daily Grind: Should more MMOs include advanced classes?

One of the very first RPGs that I played was Final Fantasy for the NES. I remember pouring over the manual at my friend's...
Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online honoring Grace Lee Whitney

"We raise our memorial flags at the loss of Grace Lee Whitney," STO's Twitter feed read earlier this afternoon. "Star Trek Online will be honoring...

Sword and Bored: Hide helmet

Mo decides to check out the "hide helmet" option all the kids are talking about lately.
This was not actually complex.

Elite: Dangerous generates its galaxy with NASA data

Elite: Dangerous is a work of science fiction; that's not under discussion. So as in all science fiction, the developers just created a galaxy by selecting...
GTA Online

The Daily Grind: How many MMOs are on your hard drive?

I got a new gaming computer last week, and I'm in the process of downloading a few MMOs. I've only got 300 GB to work with,...

EVE Evolved: Seven years of EVE Evolved

When I started writing about EVE Online for Massively back in 2008, the MMO genre was really hitting its stride, and emerging sites like...
World of Warplanes

Wargaming is celebrating National Military Appreciation Month

World of Tanks and World of Warplanes developer Wargaming is celebrating National Military Appreciation Month by giving a portion of its cash shop proceeds to...

One Shots: Pics or the beta didn’t happen

Stargate Worlds was one of those rare MMOs that progressed into the beta stage and was played by many yet never launched. Even today...
Ultimate pens.

The Daily Grind: What MMO has benefited the most from free-to-play?

Back in the day, it used to be a running joke among the staff about which game would go free-to-play next. We don't make...

The Game Archaeologist: AOL’s Neverwinter Nights

Here's a question for you: How much do you really, really have to love a game to pay $6 to $8 an hour to...