
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

PAX East 2015: Recapping the ‘Where Did Multiplayer in MMOs Go’ panel

The last time I was asked where the social aspects of MMOs went, I was pretty directly snarky: They're still there. And it's true, but...

People are still getting scammed for big bucks in EVE Online

You'd think that EVE Online players would have taken the "trust no one" mantra to heart after a decade of news stories about corporation...

The Daily Grind: Do you use bugged items to your advantage?

Did you hear about the latest bit of ArcheAge tomfoolery? There's this mirage donkey mount available in the game's loyalty point store. It was...

One Shots: The face of doom

What would you do if you went up against a giant face intent on bringing forth your personal doom? I don't know about you,...

Crowfall is raking in the big bucks

Crowfall's Kickstarter campaign is little more than a week old, but that hasn't stopped the PvP MMO from racking up 10,000-plus backers and over...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMO for actual roleplaying?

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I was a cantina rat. I would spend the first part of my daily gametime...

Massively Overthinking: Meaningful MMORPG mentors

We grouse endlessly when MMORPGs omit mentoring or sidekicking systems -- but what about real mentors? Have you ever had a mentor in an MMO, someone who...

PAX East 2015: Trion Worlds is throwing a party

It's been four years since RIFT came out and the Trion Worlds team hosted a party in Boston to celebrate the game, so it's...

Fan leads the charge to revitalize Graal Online

Graal Online is not a game that gets much press at all -- nor ever did, sadly. And it's perhaps because of this that...
No word on Lord of the Rings Online erecting a monument for the bravest hobbit of them all.

Star Trek Online installs memorials for Leonard Nimoy and all those lost

The death of Leonard Nimoy affects everyone who has ever been engaged in the Star Trek franchise, whether you were a lifelong fan of...

The Daily Grind: Should all MMOs come with player music systems?

While developing player music systems might seem like a superfluous effort, in my opinion it is a feature that should come standard in most...

The factionless WoW player dings level 100

World of Warcraft Shaman Doubleagent made headlines a year ago for leveling his Pandaren up to 80 and then 90 without ever choosing a faction. Now...
Big space roundy bit.

The Daily Grind: Are you prompt about unsubscribing from MMOs?

I am going to make a confession: I am terrible about remembering to unsubscribe from games I am no longer playing. Guild Wars 2...

Former SWTOR bigwig dislikes the term ‘whale’

The latest salvo in the ongoing free-to-play culture war comes courtesy of former Star Wars: The Old Republic lead systems designer Damion Schubert. In...

Camelot Unchained preps for its alpha unveiling

Camelot Unchained had to delay the start of its alpha testing for everyone over the weekend, but it doesn't seem as if it's going to be...
We deserve this.

The Daily Grind: What are the minimum criteria for an online game?

It's pretty definite that Second Life is not a game in the strictest sense of the word, and by "the strictest" I of course...

Couple gets married in Shroud of the Avatar’s first wedding

Shroud of the Avatar isn't even in proper alpha testing yet, but the fantasy title has already been host to its first in-game wedding. Players...

The Daily Grind: What’s one MMO wish you deeply regret?

It's jumping. Guild Wars players whined and moaned about not being able to jump in the classic game ad nauseam. Jumping increases our immersions and...

One Shots: Riding railroad

Superhero MMOs really make for some spectacular screenshots, you have to agree. And if you don't agree, you might be on the receiving end...

Star Trek Online, Star Citizen, and Elite plan Leonard Nimoy tributes

While players hold solemn vigils for the late, great Leonard Nimoy, MMO developers are working quickly to place tributes in-game to the actor who...