The Daily Grind: How do you solve the MMORPG ‘Jedi Problem’?
MOP reader Witches noted in the comments of last week's Perfect Ten that Firefly seems to be better-suited for the kind of world that...
MMO Week in Review: Guild Wars 2’s Rising Flames was actually early (September 25, 2016)
Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review!
Here’s what’s going on with Glitch’s successors
We are fast approaching the late, lamented Glitch's birthday on September 27th, and to mark the occasion, we thought we would check in with...
The MOP Up: The Division opens its public test server (September 25, 2016)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Leaderboard: Where did all the City of Heroes players go?
Based on the comments under Justin's Perfect Ten on City of Heroes memories this past week, a lot of folks out there in our audience really...
Guild Chat: Solving more officer conflicts in MMO guilds
Welcome along to another loaded edition of Guild Chat, the place where guildies in need of some solid advice can pose a query and...
One Shots: Pining for the icy fjords
Isn't it really disturbing when you're playing one game and it completely reminds you of another title? Our brains make so many bizarre connections that...
The Daily Grind: What do you want companion apps for MMOs to do?
I quite like the World of Warcraft: Legion companion app; it gives me a chance to send off my companions on missions, start research,...
Marvel Heroes’ newest board member admits he’s a F2P whale
There are two things you need to know about the newest member of Gazillion's board of directors. Mark Rubin is an avid MMORPG player...
Massively OP’s guide to the best upcoming indie MMORPGs, part one
When you write for an MMORPG website that covers literally hundreds of games and could probably add in hundreds more that are extinct, are...
Camelot Unchained makes progress on the ‘long road’ to beta
It's been a "longer road" to the first beta test than Camelot Unchained's team originally anticipated, but the good news is that progress is...
The Daily Grind: What would you like MMORPG vanity pets to *do*?
I think I've made Bree roll her eyes dozens of times when I've waxed poetic about my love for vanity pets in MMOs. Hey,...
Betawatch: Eternal Crusade hits launch (September 23, 2016)
You know, it's kind of weird to think that Eternal Crusade has actually launched. It seemed as if it would forever be in testing,...
World of Warcraft brings players up to speed on artifact weapons
As we're now almost a month in World of Warcraft: Legion, it stands to reason that the artifact weapon system is an old hat...
LOTRO discusses March of the King update, premium housing
Dungeons and Dragons Online got a hope-filled producer's letter earlier this week -- now it's Lord of the Rings Online's turn.
"We are currently hard...
Skyforge’s new equipment system means less bag management and fewer extra resources
If you're one of the few people who really enjoy messing around with bag space, Skyforge's revamped equipment system will strike you as a...
The Exiled is thoroughly revamping its user interface
Indie PvP sandbox The Exiled, formerly known as Dal Tal, is in the middle of a massive upgrade to its user interface. Fairytale Distillery's Alexander...
Global Chat: Is casual raiding in MMORPGs an oxymoron?
Do you scoff, chortle, or sneer when you hear the phrase "casual raiding" among the MMO community? You might be laughing at your own ignorance...
Perpetuum adds two new mech-class robots in today’s patch
Robots! Yes, an article about robots that is not written by Eliot! We're talking about Perpetuum Online's robots, of course. Back in August, Avatar...
Ultima Online turns 19 years old this weekend, grants cash shop currency to veteran players
Nineteen years ago this weekend, Ultima Online launched into the world, a creaky sandbox that even its own developers did not fully realize would...