New Games

Here’s the stuff we’d never heard of before we covered it for the first time here. You wanted bleeding edge… here it is! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


Infestation: Survivor Stories morphs into Romero’s Aftermath

Seriously, folks, we couldn't make this up even if we tried. The critically reviled Infestation: Survivor Stories, which used to be The War Z...

Ghost in the Shell Online: First Connection nearing Korean CBT

The popular anime franchise Ghost in the Shell will be making the transition to an MMOFPS: It prepares to start its first Korean closed...

Halo Online is coming to Russia only

Several years ago Halo fans were excited to learn that their favorite franchise was set to receive the MMO treatment. While that project ultimately...

Factions: Origins of Malu’s early access launch and interview

Origins of Malu has certainly had a long, bumpy road to launch. Showing up on our radar back in August 2011, this title has...

EVE Fanfest 2015: CCP opens VR Labs, unveils four new side projects

The story of how virtual reality dogfighter EVE: Valkyrie was born is a great indicator of shifts within the games industry. While the big...

Deepworld takes mining to the next level

It's Tuesday here at Massively Overpowered, and that means it's time to play "Have you played?" So have you guys played Deepworld? If not, we...

Utherous is a new sandbox MMO made with Atavism

If you're wondering what sort of games can be made with Unity-based Atavism MMO Creator, look no further than Utherous. It's an open world...

Worlds Adrift will let you be a nomad of the skies

Imagine that you're a nomad of the skies, constructing and sailing your airship to nearby floating islands in search of rare crafting materials. Imagine...

Mage Faire Online conjures a conflict-free creative playground

Had enough of combat in MMOs? Are you looking to express yourself... magically? Then you might want to take a peek at Mage Faire...
Descent Underground

Descent returns… as a MOBA Kickstarter hopeful

Remember 1995? I don't, mostly because I was either playing Descent or catching matinee screenings of Braveheart. The former is making a comeback of...

Jagex is working on a mystery MMO

A job posting for a lead programmer revealed that RuneScape developer Jagex is indeed working on a new MMO. The secretive posting says that the...

Robocraft lets you build and fight your own bots

We've come so far from Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots as a society, haven't we? Now we have games like Robocraft that allow us...

Betawatch: February 27, 2015

Skyforge announced its upcoming closed beta schedule this week; expect the first round to begin on March 11th. You can ensure a spot in the...

Heavy Gear Assault brings robot battling to a wider world

Mech fighters now have another option for their online gaming pleasure, as a title called Heavy Gear Assault has been making its way through...

Warhammer 40k gets a MOBA of its own

The popular dark universe of Warhammer 40,000 is heading not only to MMOs but to MOBAs as well. Whitebox Interactive is working on a new...

EverQuesting: Is EverQuest Next in trouble?

You know me: I've been quite the supporter of EverQuest Next and Landmark for a good long while. Even before writing about EQN these...
Call of Champions

Spacetime making ‘bite-sized’ MOBA Call of Champions

Does the world need another MOBA? We're going to find out, as Spacetime Studios is the latest game developer to hop on the bandwagon....

Non-combat sandbox Wander reveals new video

Remember Wander, the unique, upcoming sandbox that eschews combat for exploration? Creator Loki Davison has posted a new video for the game today along...

Linkrealms reboots as an open PvP server

As the name of the brand-new Phoenix server implies, Linkrealms is rising from the ashes of oblivion to deliver a fresh experience for players. Linkrealms,...

Crowfall: The ultimate union of MMOs and strategy

What do you get when you take a few of the most experienced developers in the MMO industry and give them the freedom to...