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Descent Underground

Descent returns… as a MOBA Kickstarter hopeful

Remember 1995? I don't, mostly because I was either playing Descent or catching matinee screenings of Braveheart. The former is making a comeback of...

Coleman says there’s ‘no shame in waiting’ to back Crowfall

Holding off on backing Crowfall, even though over a million dollars' worth of players have contributed to the PvP title? J. Todd Coleman says...
I'm on an angry.

World of Warships closed beta signups start Thursday

World of Warships' closed beta applications go live on Thursday, March 12th. A new Wargaming press release says that North American apps open at 2:00...

Elite: Dangerous’ David Braben on PC vs. console development

Last week at GDC Frontier announced that Elite: Dangerous is headed to the Xbox One in 2015. Predictably, this caused a bit of consternation amongst...

Camelot Unchained busts out a new stretch goal

Camelot Unchained reached the $3,225,000 "Hug the World" stretch goal in its ongoing crowdfunding campaign last night, meaning that City State Entertainment will hire or...

RIFT gives away free anniversary loots

So, funny story. Remember the other day when RIFT embedded a handful of limited-use codes in its anniversary graphic? Well good news, Ascended: Three...

Guild Wars 2 delays first-person view patch

Today was supposed to be the day that Guild Wars 2 entered the world of first-person views, but alas, it was not meant to be. ArenaNet Communications...

Not So Massively: PAX East 2015 MOBA roundup edition

It's been a huge week for online gaming, with GDC drawing to a close and PAX East being packed full of reveals. We heard...

Albion Online’s summer alpha to bring crafting, economy, and combat changes

Albion Online's winter alpha event is over, but the dev team is utilizing the information gleaned from it to prepare for the next one...

RIFT is planning a new calling for 2015

As RIFT hits its fourth anniversary this week, the team is eager to let you in on an exciting tidbit or two about what's...

Star Trek Online’s Delta Recruitment to feature events, bonuses

Cryptic has announced an in-game event called Delta Recruitment for Star Trek Online. It starts April 2nd, and it involves progression-based rewards "including gear,...

Final Fantasy XIV won’t be going F2P any time soon

Would you love to play Final Fantasy XIV if only it didn't cost per month? According to a new interview with producer Naoki Yoshida,...

Star Citizen is letting everyone fly for free this week

Fellow players, the galaxy is your oyster this week, for Star Citizen is allowing anyone to test drive one of its ships in the...

The Secret World’s Bylos moving on, details 2015 plans

The Secret World game director Joel Bylos has posted a new update letter in which he says that the original name for the game's...

People are still getting scammed for big bucks in EVE Online

You'd think that EVE Online players would have taken the "trust no one" mantra to heart after a decade of news stories about corporation...

HEX is finally getting dungeon PvE

When Cryptozoic's MMOTCG HEX went to Kickstarter almost two years ago, it promised that it would combine its TCG sensibilities with "the amazing community and storytelling aspects of...

ArcheAge is adding skills, a cap increase, and the Library this week

The North American and European versions of ArcheAge are finally getting the level cap bump that Korean players have enjoyed for months. This Tuesday's Secrets...

MMO Week in Review: March 8, 2015

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review! This...
You have to be really bad to get kicked out of here, that's the takeaway.

Riot and Blizzard are purportedly good to their employees

Want to be a game developer? Why?! Don't you know it's all about long hours, low pay, and angry pitchfork-toting man-children who want the...

Guild Wars 2 teases upcoming WvW borderlands map

Congratulations to European Guild Wars 2 PvP team Orange Logo, who polished off ArenaNet's ESL World Tournament at this year's PAX East last night by upsetting...