
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Why I Play: Exploring World of Warcraft as a free-to-play game

A few weeks back, the Massively OP staff discussed, among other things, whether World of Warcraft's leveling revamp coupled with its continued endless free...
Welcome to funky town.

Final Fantasy XIV outlines the changes coming to tomestones in patch 5.4

The penultimate patch for Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is coming in early December, and that means players will be dealing with a new shuffling...

Guild Wars 2 teased End of Dragons concept art during its $64K charity livestream

The Extra Life charity livestream from Guild Wars 2 was, naturally, a place to raise money for children's hospitals, but during that broadcast there...

Conan Exiles plans anti-undermesh features for PC, updates on the Xbox version’s woes

Busy times over in Conan Exiles land. There's things for both PC players and Xbox players to report on, so let's dig right in: ...

The MOP Up: Runes of Magic gets a headstart on Thanksgiving

It's still early in November, but Runes of Magic has already laid out a tasty spread for its Autumn Banquet in the game. Eat...

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is pretty much ready to go now

We are just about two weeks away from World of Warcraft's latest expansion launch, but if the test servers are any indication, this sucker...

Diablo III Season 22 introduces shadow clones and a fourth Kanai’s Cube slot on November 20

The seasons keep rolling on in Diablo III, with the ARPG's 22nd season, Shades of the Nephalem, confirmed for Friday, November 20th. As the...

Hytale reels back regular update posts in favor of ‘a more significant set of reveals’

Continuing our sometimes Sisyphean task of keeping eyes on every developing MMO under creation, we're plucking Hytale from the lower decks of our Golden...

Last Oasis adds a heavy-duty walker and a new event map, tests base decay mechanics in its beta build

There's been yet another weekly update to the woodpunk survival sandbox Last Oasis, this time bringing with it a new Hercul heavy walker and...

The Stream Team: Into the Tower of Necromancy in AdventureQuest 3D

The Tower of Necromancy's doors have finally opened in AQ3D, and Massively OP's MJ is ready to investigate. She'll be traveling to the Isle...

ArcheAge’s Rise of Nehliya update is heading to the game’s public test server

Are you curious about that blue lady that walked out of a mirror in that initial announcement for ArcheAge's latest update? Then feel free...

Rockstar confirms backwards compatibility for GTA Online and Red Dead Online on next-gen consoles

If you were among those deeply invested in either Grand Theft Auto Online or Red Dead Online but worried you'd have to put those...

Elder Scrolls Online moves Markarth DLC launch on console by a day, promise next-gen news ‘soon’

Elder Scrolls Online's Markarth DLC and update 28, which launched for PC players earlier this week and put a mighty fine hat on the...

Legends of Aria deep-dives The Outlands’ Necromancer class

Legends of Aria has a fresh dev vlog out this week previewing its upcoming Outlands release, both its locations and its planned Necromancer class. "The...

DC Universe Online battles across time in its latest episode, Long Live the Legion

"Protect the future. Save the past." That's a tall order for any superhero squad, but it's totally within the abilities of the 31st century...

Phoenix Labs CEO announces future update plans and next-gen console launch for Dauntless

A letter from Phoenix Labs CEO and co-founder Jesse Houston has got plenty to say regarding the future of Dauntless, including plans for the...

Buckle up: Phantasy Star Online 2 has the mother of all escort quests for you

Armor up, Phantasy Star Online 2 fans, because you've got orders to deploy to your latest mission. This week, SEGA dropped a new urgent...

Fallout 76 demos the quests and rewards of the Steel Dawn update

Bethsoft is pumping up Fallout 76 players for the December launch of Steel Dawn today with a new dev gameplay video. "The Brotherhood of Steel...

Star Citizen’s October report notes progress on Orison, job-specific armors, and new weapons and ships

The beginning of November means a wrap-up of October's developments for Star Citizen, which once more offers a few peeks at some of the...

ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained announce Rise of Nehliya for November 12

If you caught Gamigo's teases earlier this week on Twitter, you might have wondered what ArcheAge was up to. Wonder no more: The company...