
Join Justin Olivetti and Bree Royce every Tuesday for the Massively OP Podcast. You can scroll down to the latest podcast below, or you can follow us directly through your preferred player: LibsyniTunes, StitcherPocket Casts, TuneIn Radio, and PlayerFM.

Don’t forget the 331 (!) Massively Speaking episodes we pubbed previously and follow the RSS link for this feed RSS feed for this podcast. Send your questions in to the team and we might just read them on the air. Want episodes a day early? A $5 monthly pledge to our Patreon will ensure just that!

Massively OP Podcast Episode 113: Avatar vs. toon

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, Trove, LOTRO, TERA, Elite, WoW, Star Citizen, and WildStar, with a mailbag question on MMORPG midcore accessibility.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 112: Heroic measures

Justin and Bree discuss Marvel Heroes, Ship of Heroes, SWTOR, Secret World Legends, Black Desert, EVE Fanfest, LOTRO, WoW, and GW2, with reader mail on MMO dress-up and City of Heroes successors.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 111: Secret World’s Destiny

Justin and Bree discuss The Secret World, City of Heroes vs. MxM, Paragon Chat, LOTRO, Guild Wars 2 SAB, April Fools' Day, WoW 7.2, Destiny 2, and Club Penguin, with reader mail on Funcom and MMO guilds.
Shards Online

Massively OP Podcast Episode 110: Legends of Aria’s Derek Brinkmann

Justin interviews Legends of Aria's Derek Brinkmann on the game's switch from Shards Online, Ultima origins, open PvP, private servers, and the shift to full MMORPG status.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 109: We are all Dragonborn

Justin and Bree discuss our PAX awards, Guild Wars 2, Wizard101, WoW, LOTRO, DDO, The Repopulation, EverQuest, Eternal Crusade, and Pathfinder, with mailbag questions on Funcom's mystery game and Landmark-like sandboxes.
She's being added, but most of her clothing isn't.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 108: PAX East power-up

Justin and Eliot discuss PAX East, Shards Online aka Legends of Aria, TERA and Trove on console, Final Fantasy XIV, Dauntless, Kritika Online, and Conan Exiles, plus mailbag questions on Eastern MMOs and permadeath.
I'm cutting it down.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 107: Dark Knight rises

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, WoW, Torment, Black Desert, Age of Conan and Anarchy Online maintenance mode, WildStar, Darkfall Rise of Agon, Path of Exile, and Revelation Online's soft launch, with mailbag questions on console vs. PC MMO fans and dealing with immersion-breaking mounts.
Could be going better.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 106: Ready to relaunch

Justin and Bree discuss The Secret World's relaunch, Landmark's sunset, ESO: Morrowind, Albion Online, Guild Wars 2, Ship of Heroes, and Champions Online, with a mailbag questions on ESO and multiplayer immersion.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 105: Samurai and Smedley

Eliot, Justin, and Bree discuss FFXIV's fanfest reveals, John Smedley's new Amazon studio, Path of Exile's expansion, Skyforge's console plan, and the Dociu/Taylor moves, with mailbag questions on level scaling and replacing favorite games.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 104: WoW Token resistance

Justin and Bree discuss Elder Scrolls Online, LOTRO, WoW tokens, Ashes of Creation, Guild Wars 2, and Revelation Online, plus financials on Blizzard, NCsoft, Nexon, Square, and Funcom, with a mailbag question on playing what you love vs. going with the crowd.
Morrowind, feat. Westly's Orcs

Massively OP Podcast Episode 103: Back to Morrowind

Justin and Bree discuss ESO Morrowind and Homestead, PWE, SolForge, Conan Exiles, DDO, Marvel Heroes, LOTRO, and SWTOR, with reader mail on WildStar and Hero's Song.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 102: Sailing into the future

Justin and Larry discuss LOTRO, Elder Scrolls Online, SWTOR, Star Trek Online, Asheron's Call, H1Z1, Black Desert, and Guild Wars 2, with a special Bree monologue about the new comment system.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 101: Marvelous heroes

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO, Marvel Heroes, Trove, Elder Scrolls Online, WoW, Wizards of the Coast, and Path of Exile, with mailbag questions on Standing Stone/Daybreak and MOP's allies.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 100: The nesting instinct in Elder Scrolls Online

Justin and Larry discuss Elder Scrolls Online housing, ARK, The Repopulation, the Switch, Nostalrius, HeroWarz, Pathfinder, and Star Trek Online.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 99: Landmark goes into the dark

Justin and Bree discuss Landmark, Trove, Asheron's Call, WoW, FFXIV, WildStar, Hi-Rez, and Ashes of Creation before dipping into the mailbag to speculate on Daybreak's future.
Great job.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 98: New year roundtable

Justin, Bree, Eliot, Larry, and MJ sit for a roundtable podcast on the best MMOs of 2016, the 2017 outlook, our annual awards, and MMO resolutions.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 97: Mailbag extravaganza!

Justin and Bree empty the mailbag out on the floor for a holiday show, tackling questions on Asheron's Call, console MMOs, chat, server size, tats, music, subs, and more.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 96: Rogue Two

Justin and Bree discuss the big Turbine/LOTRO/DDO news, plus Xmas in MMOs, WoW legendaries, console Trove, poor ArcheAge, and 2017's offerings, with a surprisingly pertinent mailbag question on going indie vs. sticking with a publisher.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 95: Rising from the ashes

Justin and Bree discuss end-of-the-year coverage, ArcheAge, Ashes of Creation, Elder Scrolls Online, CCP, Cold Iron, The Secret World, and LOTRO, with mailbag questions on MMOs we wish we liked and the New World's timeline.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 94: Play this expansion, meatbag!

Justin, Bree, and Larry talk SWTOR KOTET, Elder Scrolls Online lockboxes, GW2, Black Desert, Daybreak, and Crowfall, with a mailbag question on the Nostalrius WoW emulator.