crowfall - search results

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Crowfall outlines the 11 classes of its current alpha

The classes of Crowfall might certainly sound fantastical -- Champion, Confessor, Duelist -- but at the brass tacks level, they're really just the classic...

Fight or Kite: Surveying Crowfall’s new Frostweaver class and interface updates

I’ve been itching to get back in and play some Crowfall, and with the War of the Gods update I've got a good reason:...

Crowfall on Frostweaver limits, the next Dregs campaign, and what’s delaying beta

The month of May brings yet another ACE Q&A video from Crowfall and another cornucopia of player questions, which runs a pretty wide gauntlet...

Make My MMO: Crowfall’s Dregs GvG campaign is live for alpha players

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Crowfall has added the Dregs guild-vs.-guild campaign world to phase 2 of its ongoing alpha, marking what ArtCraft says is...
Sitting around.

Crowfall’s latest ACE Q&A covers class design and the safety of the ArtCraft team

We've all gotten accustomed to videos from the Crowfall team, but the latest ACE Q&A video is a little different from usual as it...

Crowfall’s War of the Gods update inches closer with this past weekend’s test

It's been the subject of the vast majority of Crowfall's discussion, and this past Thursday and Friday it went live... for a little bit,...

Crowfall details a quartet of its racial disciplines

Your choice of race matters in Crowfall. Not simply in the sense that it affects your options when it comes to character classes, although there's...

Crowfall previews the Frostweaver class, says War of the Gods update is imminent

Crowfall's March developer Q&A session has been uploaded, and once more it's got a lot of tasty informational bits for fans of the game....
The Quick and the Gay

Coronavirus roundup: Virtual GDC, Overwatch League suspended, Crowfall and Funcom work-from-home

As the novel coronavirus pandemic's impact is felt across the globe, shutting down everything from international travel to the NBA to markets, it continues...

Crowfall introduces its Thrall system arriving with the War of the Gods update

It would appear that Crowfall's War of the Gods update is bringing a whole lot of unique wrinkles to the throne war MMO. A...

Betawatch: Crowfall hands out rewards, guides people in necromancy, and covers race disciplines

Darn it, Crowfall, could you be bothered to have a unifying theme this week? Look, it's good that you're giving out monthly rewards to backers,...
Agony and sorrow.

Crowfall takes a closer look at character race disciplines

Racial passives in MMOs are a bit of a dying system, but Crowfall is bringing them back with racial disciplines, which were the subject...
Isn't it necromantic?

Crowfall offers a two-hour tutorial on digging up graves and practical necromancy

If you've ever longed for the option to look on your crafting interface and see the option to assemble a higher quality arm for...

Crowfall will start handing out monthly appreciation rewards to its backers

How do you thank those who have been monetarily supporting your in-development throne war MMO? By dishing out monthly freebies, that's how! Crowfall is...

Crowfall’s February Q&A tackles tentpole features, survival tray, and racial passives

ArtCraft's J. Todd Coleman and Thomas Blair are back for another monthly Crowfall Q&A, covering all the questions and big news as the Drengskapar...

Harvesting and crafting will soon grant experience in Crowfall

February - and Crowfall's big overhaul - are inching closer, and ArtCraft has been teasing some of the big changes it's making with the...

Here’s how Crowfall’s spellbook and passive skills are changing in the February revamp

Crowfall is back this week with another new dev diary, this one building on the UI changes coming in February (as detailed previously) with...

Betawatch: Crowfall is heading on to beta land

Oh, Crowfall, you've missed many a milestone for your planned test phases, but there's good news. The next major patch is apparently when the...

Crowfall’s UI is getting less survival-y and more MMO-y with February’s test patch

Call me weird, but user interfaces in games are among my favorite things to dig into, and Crowfall's has been of particular interest to...

Crowfall Q&A talks fundraising, alpha and beta, and War of the Gods features

It's a bit of "second verse same as the first" for the latest version of the ACE Q&A video from Crowfall, but then again...