crowfall - search results

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Crowfall is blowing up in the best way since hitting beta, with guild alliances and new zones on the horizon

Yesterday, Crowfall's J. Todd Coleman and Thomas Blair sat for their latest ACE Q&A, with happy news for fans of the crowdfunded game that...

Fight or Kite: Early thoughts on Crowfall’s lively beta, necromancy, and alts

Anyone who’s been following Crowfall over the years since its original Kickstarter has likely at one point or another felt like the game’s development...

Crowfall is getting close to inviting all its registered players into the beta

Kickstarted MMORPG Crowfall dropped into beta last week, free of NDAs and full of content, but not everyone who's ever signed up for the...

The Daily Grind: How successful do you think Crowfall will be?

When Crowfall went into beta recently, I felt like my interest in this game was awakening from a long slumber. Some of these Kickstarted...

Global Chat: Getting an early look at Crowfall’s beta

Now that Crowfall's beta is on the scene, plenty of curious gamers are streaming in to see what ArtCraft's ambitious PvP title has to...

Make My MMO: Crowfall extends its beta as the superhero MMOs vie for testers

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Crowfall blasted into beta, becoming the latest crowdfunded MMORPG to break through that barrier. In fact, it's even extended...

ArtCraft says ‘the purpose of Crowfall is to destroy’ the themepark model

Crowfall is in beta. If that statement reads a bit reverently, that is perhaps one's cynicism that a crowdfunded anything can reach a finish...

ArtCraft on Crowfall’s beta release today, Eternal Kingdoms, the newbie experience, and much more

Crowfall, the PvP-centered MMORPG originally Kickstarted back in 2015, announced last week that it had finally arrived at its beta milestone and would begin...

Betawatch: Here comes Crowfall’s beta

Five years since its Kickstarter, Crowfall is finally entering beta next week! That's good news for backers and even better for MMO PvP fans...

Kickstarted PvP MMORPG Crowfall just announced it’s launching beta next week

Big news coming out of Crowfall this morning, as ArtCraft has just announced that it's marching right up to its next milestone, with a...

Fight or Kite: Examining Crowfall’s newbie systems, from God’s Reach to Awakening

Despite the current pandemic we are all living through, one thing you absolutely have to give the team at ArtCraft credit for is continually...

Crowfall discusses adjustments to keeps and forts in the July developer Q&A

While Crowfall is inching that much closer to a fully announced beta, its current build needs some tweaking. That's the gist of what was...

Crowfall recaps Awakening alpha update, teases closed beta timeline

On the heels of its Awakening update, Crowfall is talking more and more about the MMO's impending beta. "Many of you are asking about our...

Crowfall’s J. Todd Coleman discusses the Dregs campaign and shows off a siege in a livestream

So just what is Crowfall's Dregs campaign exactly? Perhaps you've missed out on all of the references to the GvG world, but J....

Crowfall will let its backers /flex on ’em with August’s backer reward

Ah, the flex emote. A classic staple of MMORPG gaming. How else could players ironically (or maybe unironically) laud their greatness without it? Besides...

Betawatch: Crowfall’s alpha is actually kind of a beta but also mostly an alpha

Apparently, Crowfall's current test state is "technically" a beta. Technically. As the person who maintains this list, splitting hairs like this technically annoys me....

Crowfall’s current build is ‘technically’ the game’s beta version according to J. Todd Coleman

What makes a beta a beta? It's been a source of scowling-faced commenter "discussion" ever since marketing betas and early access muddied the water....

Fight or Kite: Deep-diving Crowfall’s Dregs RvR gameplay

A couple weeks ago I was preoccupied with leveling up my Frostweaver in Crowfall and completely missed out on the Dregs campaign that was...

Kickstarted MMORPG Crowfall moves from pre-alpha to alpha today

Goodbye pre-alpha, hello alpha: ArtCraft is officially pushing Crowfall into the next stage of testing. It hasn't been without its setbacks - MMO vets...

Make My MMO: Elite’s beta blowout, Crowfall’s latest alpha

It's been a big couple of weeks in MMO crowdfunding, at least if you're watching the development of crowdfunded games: Star Citizen is running...