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There's a thing with this game and redheads, huh?

Betawatch: Crowfall revamps leveling with its first beta patch

All right, here comes 2021, let's level up your beta experiences once again! Crowfall is certainly going that route with its first major beta...

Crowfall’s first beta patch of 2021 includes a revamped leveling system

As the crow flies into 2021, it sees a glorious feast before it -- a feast full of downed players, beta testing, and... could...

Crowfall has kicked off another Decapathon event until January 5

'Tis the season to hunt heads and collect skulls in Crowfall. Yes, it's time once again for Decapathon, a special PvP event which tasks...
Fighty smashy!

Crowfall recaps an eventful 2020 as it pushes forward to launch in 2021

At one point we used to joke about how many times Crowfall had delayed its full alpha and its beta testing... but no more,...

Crowfall’s Convergence update introduces active skills and a castle siege objective

A lot of hay has been made by Crowfall about the system changes being made to the MMO, but now it's time for beta...

Crowfall’s December ACE Q&A talks up active skills, shows off a new castle, and confirms some VIP benefits

The beginning of December for Crowfall means yet another ACE Q&A livestream video featuring J. Todd Coleman and Thomas the Beard. This month, both...

Crowfall plans to replace stat-building passive skills with active skills in its next update

Players unfamiliar with Crowfall's terminology should know that "passive skills" in the game mean they allow players to accrue stats over time whether they...

Fight or Kite: Is Crowfall ready to be your daily MMO?

A question that comes up consistently for any Kickstarter MMOs is whether or not the game is ready to be played. Love it or...

Crowfall’s developers discuss Domains and Update 6.3

As Crowfall's development team takes a moment to bask in the delivery of a big patch -- and before it starts ramping up for...

Interview: Crowfall’s Rhea Shelley on what to expect from Revival’s big class update

Over the past few weeks, we've been covering update 6.200 arriving in (the now beta) Crowfall. The Revival, as ArtCraft is calling it, introduces...

Crowfall aims for a ‘revival’ with this month’s update

Crowfall's next big patch is coming soon to the beta with the optimistic title of The Revival. And hey, maybe it will inject a...

Crowfall shares more specialization changes for the Cleric, Frostweaver, Druid, and Templar classes

Last week, we noted that each of the classes in Crowfall started getting deep dives into upcoming specialization updates due with the MMO's next...

Crowfall begins detailing specialization changes for each of the game’s classes

When we first reported about Crowfall's plans to expand class specializations in update 6.2, we noted that there was an in-depth look at what's...

Crowfall hosts a week-long series of sieges to stress test the game and improve performance

The devs of Crowfall are trying their best to squeeze out as much performance from the game as possible, but to do that, they...

Crowfall’s October ACE Q&A livestream discusses expanded build options coming in update 6.2

The month of October is all about update 6.2 for Crowfall, which will be all about deepening the build variety for players of the...

Today’s Crowfall patch adds guild alliances, mounts, and performance boosts

Crowfall's much-touted guild alliance update has arrived to the beta today, along with the rest of the 6.100 content, which includes the alliance system,...

Crowfall says its new Shadowbane-inspired class design will create an ‘explosion’ of build possibilities

Yesterday, several members of the Crowfall dev team sat for an AMA with DownToQuest Twitch, and while the whole broadcast isn't up for non-subscribers...

Crowfall just picked up former SWG comms director Diane ‘Tiggs’ Migliaccio as its new community manager

There's a fresh face over at Crowfall, though it's one long-time MMORPG veterans will remember: Crowfall has picked up a new community manager, Diane...

PAX Online 2020: Pantheon, Ashes of Creation, Amazon, and Crowfall devs on the future of online games

What could online gaming look like going forward? That was the overall topic discussed by a number of devs as part of in a...

Crowfall plans guild alliance features, mounts, and mass production crafting features

As the beta test of Crowfall continues to roll on, the folks at ArtCraft Entertainment are keen to add what it considers to be...