
Major MMO studio owned by EA, famous for its RPG franchises and particularly to MMO players for Star Wars: The Old Republic

Hyperspace Beacon: The SWTOR prank that revealed so much about the hungry fanbase

With April Fool's Day falling on a Sunday, Passover, and Easter, I didn't actually spend a lot of time on the internet watching the...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 164: Shroud of the Heroes

Justin and Bree discuss April Fools' Day across the MMO world, RIFT, DDO, Trove, Guild Wars 2, WoW, Sea of Thieves, Shroud of the Avatar, SWTOR, and FFXIV, with mailbag questions on MMO tourist modes and character customization.

GDC 2018: Depictions of violence and war in video games and Destiny’s Sword

I love stories. Maybe it's the teacher in me, but I love stories not just for their raw entertainment value, but for their ability...
If you already have these, too bad, I guess.

Star Wars: The Old Republic gives all its subscribers two companions

Do you enjoy having companions who are primarily interested in following the money? Because that's what Star Wars: The Old Republic is offering subscribers...

The MMO Book Club introduces the good kind of lootboxes

Not quite a year ago, we covered a brand-new MMO community called the MMO Book Club, whose goal was to bring MMO players together...

GDC 2018: Ultima Online post-mortem with Richard Garriott, Starr Long, Raph Koster, and Rich Vogel

Plenty of panels at GDC are recorded and uploaded to the internet weeks after the event, including this one. It's not quite the same...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 163: Expansions ‘Я’ Us

Justin and Bree talk expansions for Elder Scrolls Online, Star Trek Online, and Skyforge, with news on Bless, GDC, Ship of Heroes, SWTOR, a new Star Wars title, Project Gorgon, RIFT, WoW, and Trove, with mailbag questions on whether Gorgon vs EverQuest and our Steam Team.

SWTOR course corrects for patch 5.8a, overhauls the cash shop with direct-purchase items

Star Wars The Old Republic's 5.8a patch is live today with a bunch of tweaks to last week's far bigger update. In fact, many...
Fix it.

Star Wars: The Old Republic seeks more feedback on conquest changes

There are lots of moving parts with the conquest system for Star Wars: The Old Republic, so it was almost inevitable that multiple passes...

Ship of Heroes’ map is ‘larger than the starting maps in City of Heroes’

If you're a City of Heroes fan - or any kind of superhero fan - then you're gonna want to check out the brand-new...

The Stream Team: Checking out Chapter VI in SWTOR’s KOTET

Massively OP's Larry and MJ made it off of Iokath, but the adventure is far from over; just because they survived doesn't mean they...

Hyperspace Beacon: So SWTOR’s Update 5.8 happened

Yesterday, Star Wars: The Old Republic launched the delayed Update 5.8: Command Authority to the servers. BioWare now offers its first complete operation since...

Today’s SWTOR Update 5.8 brings Izax boss, conquest revamp, and returning companions

Hope you brought your industrial-sized ion cannon, fly boy, because that is one mother of a droid that's trying to stomp on your face....

One Shots: Don’t you forget about me

I think that we can all agree that Hirku seems like he'd be a pretty fun-loving dude to hang out with in World of...

Hyperspace Beacon: Why SWTOR fans should be excited about Fogbank

This week, I'm going to depart a little from the usual insights into the world around Star Wars: The Old Republic and talk about...
This isn't how it had to be.

Perfect Ten: MMO missteps that didn’t have to happen

Around the time I started working at Massively-that-was, there was an article that I quite liked talking about how four high-profile MMO failures were...

SWTOR devs walk you through the selling points of Update 5.8

Ready for Star Wars: The Old Republic Patch 5.8's arrival next week? It's OK if not, because the developers are here to bring you...

Another writer allegedly leaves BioWare – what on earth is going on with Anthem?

Surfacing at the tail end of last week was the news that multiple former BioWare devs who'd all contributed heavily to Star Wars The...

SWTOR teases God of the Machine’s final boss

God of the Machine, one of Star Wars: The Old Republic's premiere endgame operations, is not a new addition to the game. But it...

Former SWTOR creative director and key writers form up under new studio FogBank

We don't know exactly what titles they're working on, but three former Star Wars: The Old Republic veterans have joined forces under a studio...