
Crowfall’s comic reveals continue

"Nothing is left of the man I was. There is only the scavenger, the warrior, and the oath he took. Some words cannot be...

Not So Massively: Top 10 most surprising NSM stories of 2015

Back in 2011, our former corporate overlords at Massively-of-old noticed that games like League of Legends were getting pretty damn popular and asked us to work...

Project Genom turns on open world system

There are those moments in MMO game development when titles go from being a limited series of features to an integrated, expansive world. For Project...

Project Gorgon toys with animal town and raffle machine

The crazy and cool ideas burbling out of Project Gorgon keep on coming, with Lead Developer Eric Heimburg taking to Twitter lately to tease...
Later, this one falls.

Crowfall updates founders on test stats while teasing more lore

The first major test for Crowfall had just shy of 5,000 people eligible to take part in the test antics, but only 59% of...
You are not shocked.

Betawatch: Camelot Unchained’s crafting is no laughing matter (December 25, 2015)

Happy holidays to those celebrating a holiday today! Happy just today for everyone else! And an extra-special dose of happy for people who like...

Star Citizen pushes out Alpha 2.1, promises ‘date driven’ patch schedule

While other studio teams are powering down for the holidays, it looks as though Star Citizen's crew is keeping up the pace. The team...

Massively Overthinking: One MMO wish for 2016

We gave out a lot of awards this month for things games did in 2015, and we talked about what we think will happen...

Shroud of the Avatar talks about its early 2016 plans

As it heads into the new year, Shroud of the Avatar has grand plans in store for the first few months. In its most...

Eternal Crusade shows off the frozen Pegasus Station

The new hotness in Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade is definitely the Pegasus Station map. This industrial base is set in the frozen arctic and...

The Repopulation temporarily suspends development

The unfortunate saga of The Repopulation continues this week, as Above & Beyond Technologies announced that it was pulling the plug on the alpha...
You will never get to explore this landscape. Ever. For any reason.

Paragon posts a gameplay introduction for testers and lookie loos

You cannot get into the first testing round for Paragon by watching the video down below. It's a video for testers, but it won't...

The Division’s RPG experience is all about the gear

If and when The Division releases, expect to find a game that's just as driven by its gear as, say, Destiny. In a brief...

Pixel Starships is launching on January 6

Fans of retro-themed pocket spaceships rejoice, for Pixel Starships is heading to a worldwide launch on January 6th. The game recently came out in Australia...

Project Gorgon explains Steam delay

Earlier this year, Project Gorgon said that it would be releasing on Steam early access by the end of 2015. This isn't going to...

Valiance Online roots for City of Titans

Valiance Online doesn't see itself in direct competition with City of Titans for the throne of City of Heroes spiritual succession. How do we...
We chill.

Betawatch: WoW Legion takes a holiday break (December 18th, 2015)

If you're really in love with the current PvP experience in World of Warcraft... oh, whom am I kidding? Pretty much no one is...

Wild Terra looks back at its first year of alpha

A year can make a massive difference for an MMO, especially one in development. The upcoming sandbox Wild Terra took a short breather this...

Albion Online talks about its novel and community feedback patch

As the year wraps up, Albion Online continues to handle several irons in its alpha fire. One of these is release of a community...
Well, it was nice of you to call.

Valiance Online releases screenshots and a promise of more to come

The team behind Valiance Online has been rather quiet lately, but a long string of silence was broken recently with a quartet of new...