
See: Crowfall


Crowfall’s action harvesting makes it ‘waaay more fun to run around and harvest’

Yesterday, ArtCraft posted a live Crowfall Q&A video showing off what the devs are calling "action harvesting" - and it caused a surprising amount...
Leave it, homes. I'm chilling.

Crowfall puts the ‘action’ in its harvesting system

With Patch 5.3 on the horizon, Crowfall is striving to add more than just race and class options. One feature that's going to be...

Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs with playable fairies

Probably my greatest and most constant gripe about fantasy MMORPGs is that for all of the freedom and imagination that this genre supposedly boasts,...
Neigh. Is that the sound elk make? We honestly don't know.

Here are all of Crowfall’s launch class/race combos

Now that Crowfall has split with the whole fixed-archetype thing, it's a world of possibilities over at this PvP title. And while there will...

Crowfall adds armor racks and a dangerous beachhead

September looks to be busy for the Crowfall team, as it continues to expand the campaign world and its related testing process. This week,...

The Daily Grind: Are you ever attracted to MMOs that you know you’ll hate?

As an MMO enthusiast, I have this tendency to cheer games on and be interested in all sorts of titles -- even the ones...

Crowfall reveals the secrets of its crowdfunding success

With $2.7 million raised from fans and $12.5 million total in its pockets from multiple sources, ArtCraft has a wealth of money on which...
Train, train away.

Crowfall explains the concepts behind skill trees and time banks

Do you like dragging yourself out of bed at three in the morning because something has finished in a game and you need to...

Crowfall’s Q&A stream will address skill UI, race-class split, VIP accounts, and respecs

Crowfall, don't y'all know that Friday is the unofficial industry day to slack off and stream MMOs instead of working, not Thursday? I'm kidding (or...

Good trees, bad trees, and Crowfall’s siege testing

Two of Crowfall's big tests are finally converging as one, bringing the limited siege test into the larger and more persistent campaign maps. So...

Crowfall introduces the Half-Giant race

Go big or go home! If that's your philosophy, you could do worse than to recruit Crowfall's Half-Giant onto your team. The product of archetype...
Very dynamic.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 133: Gaming Gamescom

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, Secret World Legends, LOTRO, sunsets for Ghost in the Shell Online and SkySaga, Closers, ArcheAge 4.0, Star Citizen's Gamescom demo, SWTOR, and WoW Argus, with mailbag questions on Marvel Heroes and MMORPGs as a drug, plus a PAX West preview.

Gamescom 2017: Crowfall soars with its cinematic trailer

Noble heroes? More like scavengers in truth. That's the bottom line for player characters in Crowfall, as spelled out in the MMO's Gamescom trailer. In...

Crowfall divulges details on the diminutive Fae

Don't call them "tiny," not unless you want your Achilles heel slashed and your hair set on fire while screaming laughter fills your ears....
This isn't alive yet, but it, too, is going to die.

Crowfall’s class/race retooling requires significant animation work for ArtCraft

ArtCraft Creative Director J Todd Coleman and Senior Animator Eric Doggett are back for another lengthy Crowfall Q&A, discussing upcoming cons and and getting...
Wow, that escalated quickly.

Crowfall adds the Gryphon to its bestiary

We have all played enough fantasy games at this point to know what a gryphon is. It's what happens when a bird and a...

Crowfall tests an itty-bitty teeny-weeny campaign map

Judge not Crowfall by its pre-alpha size, will you? Let's hope not, because for the sake of testing the team is cramming players together in...
Interact with this.

Crowfall adds a targeting reticle to object interaction

Interacting with objects is a pretty core part of playing Crowfall. Some of these interactions are rather straightforward, like interacting with an arrow when...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 129: Treasure Trove

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, LOTRO, Secret World Legends, Trove, ArcheAge, Blade & Soul, Star Citizen, Chronicles of Elyria, Crowfall, and DCUO, with mailbag questions on non-fantasy MMOs and soloing in MMOs: %SURL%

Crowfall won’t let you buy names or take them away for being inactive

As Crowfall continues to be developed and fans become more familiar with the game as a whole, interest turns to the nitty gritty details...