
DC Universe Online offers roadmap for free episode initiative, PS5 client, and summer updates

DC Universe Online dropped a major dev blog this week detailing some pretty significant changes for the game coming this summer. The studio seems...

Dual Universe talks up its community as players hold an in-game sci-fi convention

Dual Universe is feeling particularly appreciative and thankful to its community in the game's April newsletter, which circled back around articles and postings from...

Global Chat: Destiny 2’s horrible, no-good, very bad transmog

Hey kids, Destiny 2 is finally getting a cosmetic system! And it looks to be as user-friendly and appealing as having your mother dress...

Bless Unleashed adjusts Timed Dungeons and removes master enhancement in latest update

The way players interact with dungeons in Bless Unleashed on console is changing with the arrival of the Secrets and Scions update, which sees...

Massively Overthinking: The terrible hot-mess MMOs we have fun in anyway

Every time we cover Hellgate London - and let's be honest, it's a lot since the game comes back from the dead at least...

Player apartments won’t make SWG Legends’ Cloud City expansion launch next week

With SWG Legends' City in the Clouds expansion just a week away, the player devs have dropped a dev blog (yes, really). And it's...

Not So Massively Roundup: Valorant’s Breeze, Apex’s Olympus, Runeterra’s expansion, and Jeff

Welcome back to another roundup of news for Not-So-Massively and MMO-adjacent games in the MMORPG orbit! Valorant: Riot's Valorant has rolled out the Breeze map...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best way MMOs can improve player retention – other than new content?

Months ago, Gamasutra published a piece about the long-tail of game development - basically, how to keep a video game selling copies and/or attracting...

The MOP Up: Why did Fortnite go dark for a day?

Earlier this month, the ever-popular Fortnite went dark for the better part of April 6th. So what happened? We finally have the full scoop...

Battle Bards Episode 191: Digging up the past

Today’s episode of the Battle Bards was phoned in — phoned in with 2800-baud modems from the 1990s, that is! Steff, Syl, and Syp...

Massively Overthinking: How much are you spending on MMOs every month right now?

A while back, MOP's Justin joked that his wife, who loves econ PvP in MMOs, was funding a year of his play on Classic...

New World talks up recently added PvP features, repeats desire to make PvP and PvE gameplay coexist

"New World offers both PvP and PvE gameplay, and balancing these two modes is as important to us as it is to many of...

Dual Universe shifts launch window to mid 2022

After Dual Universe put out its series of dev blogs discussing the game's future, followers of the sci-fi sandbox had a number of questions....

Book of Travels explains how gear improves your journeys

For most MMOs, a player's gear is a collection of stat points that accumulate to increase combat effectiveness. But for Book of Travels, gear...

Dual Universe promises less tedium, more meaningful PvP, and prettier graphics in latest dev blog

Followers of Dual Universe have been fed a series of dev blogs outlining the future of the in-development sci-fi building sandbox, with the first...
Tink tink.

The Daily Grind: What’s the most unique experience mechanic in MMOs?

Bhagpuss over on MMO blog Inventory Full recently penned a piece about an experience mechanic in EverQuest II that I had completely forgotten existed:...

Global Chat: Is fast travel a boon or a bust for MMORPGs?

While I let you chew on that slightly clickbaity title there, I urge you to check out an essay on Bits & Pieces about...
No screenshots yet, obviously.

Raph Koster expounds on MMO fun, retention, and cynicism in the genre

MMORPG developer Raph Koster has been having words about the MMO industry ahead of the reveal of the MMO that his new studio Playable...

Massively Overthinking: The 2021 MMORPG outlook is good, actually

Early this week, I saw a mainstream gaming headline in my feeds about how we should all just give up on 2021 since it's...

Dual Universe adds self-support features, posts dev letters on live game challenges and costs

Dual Universe has taken to the belief that players of the game should be allowed to help themselves and one another instead of coming...