
Fallout 76 adds CAMP wheelchairs following a disabled player’s petition

Disabled players aren't often represented in video games, especially multiplayer online ones that feature nothing but hearty and hale athletes leaping and running through...

Massively Overthinking: Gratitude for the devs of the MMO genre

Thanksgiving conveniently falls on a Thursday every year, which means it's the perfect topic for our regular Thursday Massively Overthinking roundtable. I've asked our writers what they're grateful for in and around the MMO genre the last couple of years - and now we're gonna do it again.
Is contempt the word I'm looking for here?

The Daily Grind: How many MMO guilds are you in?

I'm always impressed when I talk to MOP's Justin and he's just joined a new guild in the MMORPG he's playing at the moment....
Something's gonna change my UI.

Prosperous Universe announces an early access launch behind a monthly subscription

Prosperous Universe isn't quite so prosperous from a fiscal standpoint, apparently. The developers have announced that a monthly subscription to play the game is...
Not paying attention is not a mark of honor.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMO blessings to be thankful for in 2020

There is no doubt that this has been a much more difficult year than most in many respects, almost to the point where it's...

Mechwarrior Online’s Piranha Games is being bought out by EG7 for $24M+

If you were a bit surprised to see MechWarrior Online perk back up this fall after a long period of neglect in the wake...

Surprise: Fallout 76 accidentally releases Steel Dawn a week early

While it's not yet December -- we checked, using our keen investigative skills -- Fallout 76's December update actually is live in the game....

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best twist on the archer class?

Call 'em Archers, call 'em Rangers, call 'em Katnisses -- whatever the designation, they're the ones who stand there with a bow looking all...

A Secret World Legends fan has created a huge (free!) graphic novel based on the lore

There is no doubt that Secret World Legends (and its predecessor) have developed a strong cult following in the MMORPG community due to its...

Ship of Heroes outlines its mission creation process, promises about 40 hours of content for an alt

While the fact that Ship of Heroes is working on missions isn't anything exactly new, there is a dev blog posted today that takes...

Choose My Adventure: Surprise storytelling in No Man’s Sky’s base building progression

It was often remarked going in to this week’s Choose My Adventure task that base building in No Man’s Sky is something of a...
Sometimes it's about tweaking the right people.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite ‘oh shit’ button in an MMO?

Last summer, I put up a Daily Grind on how people feel about "oh shit" buttons in MMOs - you know, those long-cooldown panic...

TitanReach resurfaces with a new dev blog full of updates and promise of more communication

Hey, do you remember Titan Reach? It styled itself as a modern take on the old-school MMORPG and cast its fortunes with a Kickstarter...

In a year of low content, Rockstar wants Red Dead Online to feel like a ‘second life’

When you hop into Red Dead Online, do you feel like a cowboy? That, apparently, is the hope, at least according to new Gamesradar...

The Daily Grind: Do you organize your houses and inventories in MMOs?

I've seen your screenshots and houses and accounts and I know some of you folks are really not into organizing your video game characters'...

Global Chat: Are login rewards actually evil?

What could be evil about game studios giving out daily treats to its players? Settle back, folks, because Going Commando is going to tell you...

One Shots: Rising sun, setting slaughter

"After a short break from Final Fantasy XIV, I’m back with my /gpose addiction," reader Josh said. Josh, you're breaking our hearts here. We thought...

The Daily Grind: Do you follow the work of specific MMO developers?

If you've been around the MMORPG genre a while, you start to realize that specific developer names pop up again and again. Some of...

LOTRO Legendarium: Getting a glimpse of LOTRO’s 2021 plans

For a good long while now -- years, really -- I've joined the chorus of voices that have been asking Standing Stone Games to...
Y'shjtola might be mad.

WRUP: The oral history of WRUP edition

Narrator: It's the story of a column... that is only about what people are planning to play for the weekend. Eliot: The inspiration came to...