
EVE Evolved: Improving EVE Online’s organisational tools

Throughout most of EVE Online's lifetime, players have developed their own third-party applications (and yes, spreadsheets) to help organise and enhance their gameplay. We've...

Jukebox Heroes: Six more groovy tunes from MMOs you’ve never played

As an MMO music collector, I've gathered some really obscure soundtracks over the years, including ones from games that people don't even remember existing,...

One Shots: My name is Captain Vanity

As I'm off on vacation this week, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to cull through the previous One Shots comment...
Oh, this is much better.

WRUP: Moving forward, there are going to be some changes around this prison edition

New prison rule #1: No one is to use "shiv" as a verb any more. Last month there was a big debate over whether...
It bugs me.

The Daily Grind: What is the most impractical MMO mount ever devised?

There seems to be a bizarre competition going on between MMORPG developers to one-up each other's games with progressively impractical mounts. I guess when...

Pokemon Go’s second anniversary report card sees high marks for content and innovation

Today is Pokemon Go's second-year anniversary. Last year's report card had to grapple with things like the game's rapid rise and fall as a fad,...
Moth fight.

Choose My Adventure: Final Fantasy XI in review and choosing our next MMO

Here's the weird part about this week's column: I'm going to tell you, in short, that Final Fantasy XI is still a good game...
Go away.

Twitch is cracking down on high-profile streamers using inappropriate language

Twitch is working overtime by going after big-name streamers who use inappropriate language in chat. The platform's community policies have landed popular streamer Destiny...
Oh gosh why.

The Daily Grind: How early should an MMORPG’s hype cycle begin?

GIbiz put out an interesting piece this week looking 10 years into the past to see where the buzz was in the game industry...

ArenaNet has let go two Guild Wars 2 devs following a heated Twitter confrontation

Please note that this article has been heavily updated over the last week as this story has continued developing. New additions are at the...

Former Star Citizen dev refutes fake Glassdoor review made by troll on his behalf

The battle of the trolls in the Star Citizen community reached new lows this week as someone apparently impersonated a former dev on Glassdoor...

The Daily Grind: What MMO is theoretically perfect but fails to click with you?

Let's talk about Final Fantasy XIV for a minute. This game really frustrates me because, on paper, it has so much of what I'm...
Fiiiix me.

Secret World Legends community mod allows players to make their own in-game missions

No one likes a content lull in a game, but Secret World Legends players don't have to take it lying down. They don't actually...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG skill system that avoids the ‘illusion of choice’?

Over the weekend, my husband and I were chatting about playing on a Star Wars Galaxies emulator again, probably the Legends one that people...
This is someone else's problem.

France’s gambling authority condemns but does not ban lockboxes

The international community is becoming aware of the problems of lootboxes, and that means that laws are being formed in response to the business...
Is this the ugly one or the pretty one, it's hard to tell.

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the best user interface?

In the comments of my last Daily Grind about Star Wars Galaxies, there erupted a lively debate about the game's user interface in the...

Global Chat: A starting point for WoW Classic

The recent announcement of WoW Classic's starting point -- Patch 1.12 -- started to make the prospect of this legacy server a lot more...

One Shots: Better virtual homes and gardens

Lately I've been overdosing on some serious Sims 4 time (blame the Seasons expansion announcement for this!) and indulging in my long-standing passion for...

The Game Archaeologist: Raph Koster on MUDs and Privateer Online

The release of Raph Koster's monster book of game essays, Postmortems, was of high interest to Bree and me for different reasons. For her,...
Feel free to put the quotes in the comments.

WRUP: House evaluation edition

11:43 (User NVT): Team on-site and beginning inspection. 11:44 (User JPE): Taking half of the team for upper floors. 11:44 (User TTB): JPE is reminded that...