
Sea of Thieves gives PC players the option to downscale graphics for older machines

Are you really excited about taking up the skull-and-crossbones next year with Sea of Thieves -- but are concerned that your rig might not...

Overwatch opens up Junkertown and major changes to heroes on the test realm

The test realm for Overwatch is going to get trashed. The latest test realm patch is bringing players to Junkertown for a new escort...

Why you should care that Nintendo’s social network Miiverse sunsets in November

We've known for a while that social network Miiverse would eventually be closing, but Nintendo confirmed the news and the official death date yesterday...

Trion Worlds’ Scott Hartsman rebuffs financial panic rumor

A business-oriented piece on Delidded Tech overnight seems to have rustled up Trion Worlds CEO Scott Hartsman in response. Delidded digs into this week's shareholder...

The Daily Grind: How do you deal with MMO know-it-alls?

There is a particular brand of MMO player that has the tendency to get on my nerves, and that is the person who acts...

Microsoft encourages industry to talk about crossplay cooperation

If games industry giants can be seen as extremely territorial siblings, each jealously guarding his or her own possessions and unwilling to work with...

Consolers can pick up Elder Scrolls Online’s Horns of the Reach today

It's been a few weeks since PC players have been able to enjoy the fruits of Horns of the Reach in Elder Scrolls Online,...

Funcom warns against using third-party resellers for Secret World Legends currency

Thinking about buying or selling some of that Secret World Legends currency outside of the game proper? Funcom's got one word for you: don't. The...

The Daily Grind: What do you actually expect to get out of MMORPG lockboxes?

MMO blogger Bhagpuss has an intriguing multi-angle post out this week criticizing, rightly in my mind, Guild Wars 2's lockboxes, but not the way...
Live together.

WildStar explains the operation of communities

Everyone lives with everyone else with the next WildStar update; you form a community and everyone gets to be together. Although perhaps it's not...

Ship of Heroes talks indie scope, community positivity, and designing the world

Ship of Heroes is gearing up for PAX with drop-ins with community vloggers, including The Positive Gamer, who has a flythrough video of Apotheosis...

World of Warships yanks lackluster Graf Zeppelin, offers apology and refunds

In its effort to rush a new aircraft carrier to the game in time for this past week's Gamescom, Wargaming might have done World...
It's HOT uptown.

Guild Wars 2 kicks off a week of mounts and a month of weapons

Are you ready to ride around in style when Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire rolls around? Of course you are; Tyria is filled...

Ashes of Creation shows off live combat, preps for major PAX West push

The growing Ashes of Creation community is abuzz over the team's recent livestream in which the MMO's combat system and UI was shown in...
More of this story, please.

The Daily Grind: How often do you play non-human MMORPG characters?

This weekend, I was toying around with my fancy Path of Fire-induced new character slot in Guild Wars 2. I have one of every...

Guild Chat: Enacting change in an MMORPG guild

Welcome along to Guild Chat, the online spot for all things guild-related where we band together to tackle a submission sent in by a...

One Shots: Alien sunset

I will admit that I've been craving a good space exploration sim lately -- the burn to "explore strange new worlds" is rising inside...
If you doubted this before, well, don't.

The Daily Grind: Should expansions change the core of an MMO?

Those of us playing Final Fantasy XIV have had about two months with Stormblood now, which has prompted one complaint to come out as...

The Game Archaeologist: Furcadia

Let's face it: There isn't really a huge pool of MMORPGs from the 1990s to explore in this column. By now I have done...

WRUP: We want bones edition

Hello and thank you for calling the Bone Collectors, Thomas and Edward Bone. We want bones. To be absolutely clear, our last name is Bone,...