
Seafaring MMO Atlas patches in Lunar New Year stuff, offers 2022 roadmap

Somehow I don't immediately think of Wildcard's and Grapeshot's malingering MMO Atlas when I think about Lunar New Year, but it turns out the...
Weedle whee.

Zenith promises to do right by fans as it posts an early roadmap for 2022

It's been a busy launch time for Zenith on VR headsets. Not so much on the promised but still undelivered PC version, which is not...
I'm purely decorative!

New World’s public test server opens today with the February fixerupper patch

New World players are in for a treat today, as the public test server is slated to open at 1 p.m. EST this afternoon....

Embers Adrift’s latest video outlines a more ‘relaxed,’ strategy-dependent combat model that utilizes reagents

Earlier this month, Embers Adrift noted in a newsletter that combat mechanics will have distinct things like positional advantages and bonuses for a chosen...

The Daily Grind: What will be your top three most-played MMOs in 2022?

A week ago, I asked you folks what your top three most-played MMOs of 2021 were. This week, I want to take a page...

Old School RuneScape discusses player feedback to its upcoming runecrafting mingame

Last week Old School RuneScape showed off a new Guardians of the Rift minigame idea that's meant to make the runecrafting skill easier to...

Vitae Aeternum: The rent in New World is too damn high!

The wonderful thing about video games is that they let you experience impossible things that could never happen in the real world. Like buying...

Massively on the Go: Orna vs. Pokemon GO in the battle of the MMOARGs

I've recently been playing Orna: The GPS RPG as a way to further explore a genre that's still small and niche, but studios keeps trying...

Crowfall applies a general update patch as the newest Dregs campaign gets underway

What's the latest happening in Crowfall? A campaign of course, as well as a recent housekeeping update that mostly focuses on adjustments, fixes, and...

Fight or Kite: Starting a journey in Mortal Online 2

Throughout the past year and even longer maybe, we’ve seen near biweekly updates from the team over at Star Vault as it's been developing...

New World’s January patch was accompanied by fresh bugs and worries over population

It's become a bit of a pattern for New World: Amazon looses a patch, and something almost immediately goes wrong. So it was for...

Into the Echo discusses time travel, ‘hub-and-spoke’ leveling, and community progression in an interview

Last August we caught wind of Into the Echo, a time-traveling MMO from Canadian developer Etlok Studios that promised features like an emphasis on...

Full-loot PvP MMORPG sandbox Mortal Online 2 officially launches today

Mortal Online 2 is officially live today, as StarVault pulls it from its early access to launch. Readers will recall that the game was...

New World’s mutator dungeons are live in today’s January patch

New World's January update is finally upon us - and yes, this is the one headlined by mutator dungeons, which essentially insert gearscore-dependent, randomized,...

Mad World shares new gameplay trailer ahead of its February 23 alpha 5.0 test

There are a few weeks left before Mad World kicks out its alpha 5.0 test, but players following along the grimdark multiplayer ARPG can...
So, probably not.

Pantheon’s January newsletter talks ‘increasing awareness’ – and increasing staff, too

Pantheon's Visionary Realms is back with a new producer's letter to cap off January, and this one heralds a fresh outlook for 2022 as...

Nightingale was originally an MMO but scaled back to become more intimate

Those hungry for details about the Victorian-themed survival game Nightingale would do well to read a new interview with Inflexion CEO Aaryn Flynn over...

Lord of the Rings Online plans to make class, race, and virtue trait slots unlock by leveling in next update

The Bullroarer test server of Lord of the Rings Online has put Update 32 out for public testing, and one part of the update...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 356: A long time from now in a galaxy far, far away

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO, Star Citizen, Black Desert, Elyon, and Neverwinter, with adventures in LOTRO, Crowfall, and Elder Scrolls Online, plus voicemail topics on alienating MMO design choices and new MMO crafting professions.

Broken Ranks outlines monetization model ahead of January 25 launch

Now that we know the turn-based tactical MMO Broken Ranks is headed for a January 25th launch, one question can often spring to potential...