
One Shots: Officially Sanctioned Sunday Afternoon Nap Hour

Shh. Shhhhhhhh. Do not, under any circumstances, make a sound during Officially Sanctioned Sunday Afternoon Nap Hour. Some of us take it very, very seriously and...

Fractured’s second Alpha 1 test brings more housing, a new biome, and spiders this June

By all accounts, the first Alpha 1 test for Fractured was a solid success, barring minor annoyances and login issues. So now it's full...

The Daily Grind: What do you think about player-vs.-developer content in MMOs?

Launching into early access today is a new hardcore fantasy MMORPG called Astaria, as we've lightly covered before. (Edit: Apparently it's been delayed -...

Heroes and Villains works on crafting story, villain content, and sewers

It has been some time since we last checked in with Heroes and Villains, perhaps the most overlooked of all of the City of...

Flameseeker Chronicles: A PvE carebear’s guide to Guild Wars 2 WvW and the Warclaw

By now, you’ve probably seen this hulking, armored cat bounding around Tyria. No, not my Charr warrior; I mean Guild Wars 2's new Warclaw...

The Daily Grind: How open-ended do you want your MMORPGs to be?

A few months ago, MOP's Justin was gently teasing me about playing on a Star Wars Galaxies emulator, and he asked me about my...

Population Zero dishes on three of its planned player factions

Enplex Games' upcoming survival MMO Population Zero has thus far distinguished itself from other multiplayer survival titles with features including a hand-crafted world, factions,...

SWTOR’s Charles Boyd on new gearing and character progression in Onslaught

Hopefully, you've seen our other coverage of the Star Wars: The Old Republic community cantina that took place this past weekend. If not, you...

MMOs You’ve Never Heard Of: TERA Origin, Astaria, NosTale, and Veloren

Welcome back to another brief roundup of MMOs and other online games you’ve (probably) never heard of! Let's kick off our roundup with something for Japan...

Adorable retro sandbox Staxel has officially launched today with a huge update too

We've been covering the supercute voxelbox Staxel for the last year of early access, so what a joy to get to say that it's...
Do you really want to hurt me?

WoW Factor: The level squish isn’t the whole solution for World of Warcraft

To be entirely honest, you might have expected this column a little bit earlier because it's been a hot minute since Ion Hazzikostas once...

Closers adds the Divine Battle ladder, Bai pre-registration, and sweeping character balance changes

This week, Closers has kicked out a pretty extensive update that brings events and adjustments to the side-scrolling anime beat-em-up. While pre-registration for the...

The Division 2 mops up exploits and announces a PTS in its latest state-of-the-game

With launch and its first big patch under its belt, The Division 2 team has delivered a state-of-the-game address about what it's doing next. Notably,...

Libraries and teleportation await for Ashes of Creation’s scientifically minded players

With an overview of its node system done, the Ashes of Creation team is going deeper to explain the different types of evolving areas...

Crowfall’s Illara campaign – and a wipe – arrives this week

One of the hallmarks of Crowfall is its cyclical campaigns that feature firm beginnings and endings before coming back in different forms. This format...

Hyperspace Beacon: I can’t believe I forgot these things about Star Wars Galaxies

For the last couple of weeks, I've been able to re-experience Star Wars Galaxies. After eight years, I noticed that I might have forgotten...

Interview: Astellia deep-dives its dungeon systems and Western tweaks

Incoming buy-to-play MMORPG Astellia has been a whirlwind in 2019 as Nexon and Barunson EA have prepared the game for release in the west:...
Oh. All right.

Grab a key for a Wild Terra armored boar mount courtesy of Juvty Worlds and MOP

Earlier this winter, Juvty Worlds announced it was taking its isometric sandbox MMO Wild Terra free-to-play. Since then, it's unleashed multiple events - St.Wodwose's...

Tamriel Infinium: The power of community in five-year-old Elder Scrolls Online

Given the volatility in today’s video game industry, it’s nice when an MMO is able to celebrate some longevity. Elder Scrolls Online has not...

Mobile dinosaur sandbox MMORPG Durango opens pre-registration

It's no launch date, but that date must be close: Durango, the mobile sandbox MMORPG that's not exactly full of sand but instead is...