
See: Cryptic Studios

Champions Online announces new ‘serialized story’ content

Back in early June, a certain nameless MOP author wrote a column that speculated on why Champions Online didn't do better -- and what...

One Shots: The gloaming hour

Are you a morning person or do you come alive in the evening? Depending on the day/night cycle of an MMORPG, you may in...

Star Trek Online’s Discovery Enterprise lockbox has captains in an uproar

It stands to reason that in a game called Star Trek Online, the most desirable starships of them all will be any that have...

Neverwinter’s Undermountain is live on console today as Waterdeep preps the Protector’s Jubilee

Dungeon delvers, prepare to descend: Neverwinter's massive Undermountain expansion goes live on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles today, bringing with it the eponymous...
She has ideas.

Star Trek Online considers ‘the account as the player’

There's a hot phrase bouncing around the Star Trek Online community these days, and that is "the account as the player." This comes from...
I'm not him! I don't even look like him!

Into the Super-verse: Why didn’t Champions Online do better?

A while back I was flipping through the backlog of my personal gaming blog, looking at the history of my gaming trends, particularly in...

Star Trek Online promises next year’s story arc will ‘change the face of the game’

What will next year bring for Star Trek Online? We don't know just yet, but according to a recent interview with lead designer Al Rivera...

Star Trek Online brings back Operation Riposte, the Crystalline Entity, and lets you earn a free T6 ship

Whether you like firing your lasers at a malevolent crystal snowflake or liberating a planet from Klingon oppressors, the most recent patch to Star...
You should be weaker.

Neverwinter’s newest patch adjusts scaling and enemy health

Everything you fight in Neverwinter is going to feel a little bit weaker after today's patch. For starters, the game has reduced enemy health across...

The MOP Up: China’s getting Fallout Shelter Online, and that’s not fair

For my money (and time), the best Fallout game of the past five years has been Fallout Shelter, a mobile base builder which has...
Wow, positive.

Perfect Ten: 10 things I’d love to see added to City of Heroes in the rogue server era

When will the staff here stop talking about City of Heroes? Now that there's actually something to talk about regarding it, probably never. Look, you all...

The MOP Up: Conan Exiles pops its god bubbles

Bubbles. They are marvelous things that thrill children, turn gum into an art form, and apparently ward off evil barbarians from being naughty. Of...
Dinosaur tech.

Star Trek Online is dropping 32-bit support in July

Time marches on, and it seems only appropriate that you cannot spend your time playing a futurist-looking science fiction series like Star Trek Online on...
This was once controversial!

Perfect Ten: Helpful tips for returning to City of Heroes in 2019

With the (community-led) rebirth of City of Heroes in 2019, a rather interesting problem has arisen for this superhero title: Namely, players who never...
Doom approaches.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 221: Classic Warcraft flavor

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Classic, City of Heroes, Blade and Soul, Star Trek Online, Square Enix, and Dungeon and Dragons Online, with mailbag topics on how WoW Classic fits into the MMO genre and getting back into City of Heroes.

Enter to win a Star Trek Online PC Command Dreadnought Cruiser bundle and Discovery starter pack

With Star Trek Online's Rise of Discovery live and officially launched for PC, PWE has kindly granted Massively OP a bunch of goodies to give away...

Ex-Cryptic Studios artist decries ‘harmful’ video game lockbox designs based on slot machines

A 3-D character artist who previously worked at Cryptic Studios on Champions Online and Neverwinter has come out swinging against lockbox mechanics, saying that...
Zorp? Phasers don't go zorp.

Star Trek Online’s Rise of Discovery boldly goes onto PC today, consoles June 25

The latest installment in Star Trek Online's ongoing Star Trek: Discovery tie-in story arc, Rise of Discovery, is live on PC today, and what's...

Star Trek Online previews the ships of the Section 31 lockbox

Starfleet's ruthlessly goal-focused Section 31 tends to stick in the memories of fans; it's a shadowy organization that seems to be at once everywhere...

The MOP Up: Star Trek Online delves into the mysteries of Yard 39

Star Trek Online is all about the Discovery these days, and in a new lore blog, the team gives some backstory to the mysterious...