
Official Site: Darkfall (Darkfall Unholy Wars)
Studio: Aventurine
Launch Date: July 13, 2009
Genre: Fantasy Sandbox
Business Model: Subscription
Platform: PC

It's just silly.

The MOP Up: SWTOR’s subscription tauntauns smell great on the outside

For all who subscribe to Star Wars: The Old Republic, there's a new gift waiting for you under your seat. You get a tauntaun!...

Darkfall: Rise of Agon boosts boss loot and adds minions in a recent update

Darkfall: Rise of Agon continues its focus on PvE gameplay with the most recent update, which has added, among other things, better boss loot,...

The MOP Up: Funcom delays Moons of Madness’ console release

For those starving in the Secret Worlds Legends content wasteland of 2019, there was at least the single-player spin-off Moons of Madness to enjoy....

Darkfall: Rise of Agon’s Akathar update introduces PvP changes, a new starting area, and a dye system

When you look good, you feel good, and no system in MMO gaming makes you look good faster than being able to dye your...
Those who fear darkness have never seen what the light can do.

The MOP Up: Destiny 2 worships the sun

That glowing ball of thermonuclear radiation in the sky might just mean warmth and crispy tans for you, but for Destiny 2, it is...
To rather uneventfully go.

The MOP Up: Star Trek Online’s thorny patrol

Cryptic is really hot to trot with Star Trek Online's new patrol system, and this past week the studio highlighted the third new one:...

The MOP Up: League of Legends’ future looks bright

Don't let games like Fortnite and Overwatch make you forget that League of Legends is still a thing. In fact, Riot Games' MOBA saw...

Darkfall: Rise of Agon doubles Tasks in the game with its latest patch

It's good to stay busy, especially in MMORPGs. How often have we fallen in to a slow-blinking stupor after plowing through our dailies and...

Darkfall Rise of Agon has reverted its combat system to one from over a year ago

I actually blinked when I read the patch notes for Darkfall: Rise of Agon's update this week. It's surprising for an MMO for make...

Massively Overthinking: What are your favorite MMO ‘chores’?

A few months ago, The Outline ran a piece on Red Dead Redemption 2 titled I don't wanna do my video games chores, and...
I mean, if you're choosing this one...

Darkfall Rise of Agon lays out its upcoming in-game browser overhaul and armor system revamp in latest dev blog

A major patch for Darkfall Rise of Agon is in the works, and the developers have just posted a new update to give players...

Massively Overthinking: Thoughts on the holy trinity in MMOs

One of MOP's bright new columnists, Tyler Edwards, blogs over at Superior Realities, and he recently brought to my attention his pieces on the...

Darkfall Rise of Agon has officially soft-launched its hybrid free-to-play ‘freemium’ model

Remember back when free-to-play was still a pretty rare thing, and we used to run polls on which MMOs would go free-to-play next? And...

The MOP Up: FFXIV tickles the ivories

One of the best (of many) features in Final Fantasy XIV is its amazing soundtrack. And just when you think you've heard it all,...
Not paying attention is not a mark of honor.

Massively OP’s guide to MMO Thanksgiving 2018

Unlike with Halloween and Christmas, it seems like MMORPG developers never quite know what to do with the Thanksgiving holiday. Vastly fewer games celebrate...

Darkfall Rise of Agon patches in old-school mobs, opens supporter pack funding program

Sanctioned Darkfall spinoff Rise of Agon has been busy since its 2017 launch with multiple content and quality-of-life patches - it's even been teasing...

Darkfall: Rise of Agon details plans for Embers of War expansion and upcoming Territory Control system

Earlier this week, Big Picture Games announced Embers of War, the first expansion for Darkfall: Rise of Agon, and the latest dev blog details...

Darkfall Rise of Agon’s latest patch makes some combat tweaks, fixes bugs

The latest patch for Big Picture Games's PvP-centric sandbox Darkfall: Rise of Agon was a relatively small one, but it brought with it some...

Massively Overthinking: Which MMORPG, living or dead, offers the all-time best crafting experience?

Over the last couple of weeks, when I was putting in sometimes 18-hour days working on the site, I didn't really have much time...

Massively Overthinking: Should MMORPGs incentivize exploration – and how?

Our Daily Grind on exploration last week sparked an intriguing follow-up from MOP reader Miol. "When asking about sightseeing and exploration in MMORPGs, you also...