
WildStar plans quality-of-life improvements, midnight relaunch

WildStar's massive free-to-play transition and patch is less than a week away, which means that Carbine is getting to the end of its revelations. Today...

EVE Evolved: New roles for capital ships

In the past two editions of EVE Evolved, I looked at the Aegis sovereignty warfare overhaul and how it played out in a recent...

World of Warships makes history come alive (and shoot you)

In honor of World of Warships' official launch today, we're celebrating what makes this naval combat game come alive. Previously, I explored the details and...

Global Chat: Money prison

What kind of prison charges you money to stay there? An MMO prison, obviously! The Ancient Gaming Noob has a few insightful words to say...

Gazillion shares more about the recent Marvel Heroes layoffs

During a David Brevik's weekly Marvel Heroes livestream, the Gazillion CEO confirmed two of the casualties of last week's layoffs. The two employees among those...

Grab a Warframe credit booster just in time for the Infested Nightmare bonus reward weekend [All gone now!]

Warframe is preparing a multi-day Infested Nightmare bonus reward event this weekend complete with Double Affinity, special deals, and High Level Alerts, and if you're planning to...

Gamescom 2015: Guild Wars 2’s new mastery system details revealed

On the opening day of Gamescom 2015, I crept away from the buzzing hum and dazzling lights of the show floor to sit down with Guild...

EVE Evolved: Fitting Tech 3 Tactical Destroyers as PvP brawlers

The past few months have seen a flood of frequent updates hitting EVE Online, and among them we got a whole new class of...

H1Z1 targets bear AI, goes on sale for $8

As impossible as it might have seemed, H1Z1's next patch is going to be improving bear AI to make the ursine contingent of the...

PSA: Grab The Elder Scrolls Online for $12 on Green Man Gaming [Updated]

See, Reddit is good for something: It's going to save you 75% on a copy of The Elder Scrolls Online today. In conjunction with its...
What happens next?

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Machinist needs a tune-up

There are three roles in Final Fantasy XIV, but you could argue that one of those roles has three sub-roles. Sure, they all fall...

DC Universe Online’s Bombshells, Black Lanterns, and bases

While at E3 2015, we got to sit down with Jens Andersen, creative director for DC Universe Online, to chat more about the changes...

Behind the scenes: The sights and sounds of World of Warships’ vessels

Immersion. That's not a word you often hear associated with lobby-based PvP games. But in the case of World of Warships, the third title...
Rank 17! I am SO important to the world!

Blizzard and Netease partner for a Chinese release of Overwatch

You are probably not terribly worried about whether or not Overwatch is going to get a Chinese release for the same reason that most...

Tree of Savior gets a huge English FAQ

Got a lot of questions about Tree of Savior? We bet you do, you curious kitten you. Well now it's time to get them...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best way to boost MMO populations?

An anonymous Kickstarter donor pinged us with this question for this morning's Daily Grind: With the breadth of niche MMOs available, how will companies resort...

Perfect Ten: MMO terms that have overstayed their welcome

My original plan for this week - during the few moments that I was capable of coherent speech rather than just babbling about the...

Steam’s summer sale offers mad MMO deals [Updated Monday]

Prepare your wallets to go broke and your libraries to fill to the brim with games that you'll never have time to play, for...

RuneScape players fend off a planet eater

Bummer: A giant creature named Tuska is heading toward RuneScape's world with the full intent of gobbling it up. Wait, did we say bummer?...

Age of Conan adds a bear mount and quest line for seventh anniversary

It's shaping up to be one doozy of a month for Age of Conan as the title celebrates its seventh birthday. In the May...